Hi Hadoop devs,

Last week, there was a Hadoop build failure on Debian 10 caused by
https://github.com/apache/hadoop/pull/3988. In dev-support/jenkins.sh,
there's the capability to build and test Hadoop across the supported
platforms. Currently, we're limiting this only for those PRs having only
C/C++ changes[1], since C/C++ changes are more likely to cause
cross-platform build issues and bypassing the full platform build for non
C/C++ PRs would save a great deal of CI time. However, the build failure
caused by PR #3988 motivates me to enable the capability to build and
test Hadoop for all the supported platforms for ALL the PRs.

While this may cause longer CI run duration for each PR, it would
immensely minimize the risk of breaking Hadoop across platforms and
saves us a lot of debugging time. Kindly post your opinion regarding this
and I'll move to enable this capability for all PRs if the response is
sufficiently positive.

[1] =


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