
Is anyone out there comfortable with the ALA/LC Ladino romanization table?  I 
have some high school Spanish (from many decades ago!) and can piece together 
words and I’m doing the best I can with the romanization table.

I’m having trouble romanizing  גידייוס.  The ג has a hacek on top.  My attempt 
was Jidyos.  Am I close?  At least I know it means “Jews.”

My other problem is identifying what I believe could be an edition statement 
(or not):  פרימיר בולומין.  The פ has a dagesh.  I’m guessing the first word 
means “first.” I can’t figure out what בולומין is.  I don’t have a Ladino 
dictionary of any sort (I’m ordering one) and Google Translate doesn’t have 
Ladino as an option.  Does this phrase indicate an edition statement?

FWIW, I’m deriving NLI’s Hebrew record for this book (OCLC #233177838).

I think it would be helpful to know who in our cataloging community has 
expertise in less common Hebraic script languages like Ladino and Judeo-Arabic. 
 It used to be that Zachary Baker (now retired) was the expert in Ladino and 
Rachel Simon and Joan Biella (both retired) were the experts in Judeo-Arabic.  
If there are experts in some of the other Hebraic script languages besides 
those (i.e. Judeo-Tajik, Judeo-Persian, etc.), it would be great to know that 
as well!

Thanks in advance for your help.


Caroline R. Miller
Team Leader, Discovery Team
Hebraica/Judaica Metadata Librarian
UCLA Library Resource Acquisitions and Metadata Services
2400 Life Sciences Building
621 Charles E Young Drive South
Box 957230
Los Angeles, CA  90095-7230

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