The simplest way to monitor heka-1 would probably be to set up a trivial filter on heka-1 that periodically emits a heartbeat message to be delivered to heka-2, and to set up a heartbeat filter on heka-2 that will generate an alert message if the heartbeat fails. I've unfortunately just realized that, while we have a heartbeat filter with nice documentation, the docs for the filter were never correctly wired in to our Sphinx docs so it's not showing up on the readthedocs site. I'll fix that, but in the meantime you can see the heartbeat filter and how to use it here:

As for monitoring heka-2, you'll probably want to set up a trivial filter on heka-2 that emits a heartbeat message, as before, but you'll need to have something outside of heka-2 listening for those messages and alerting if they stop coming. If you're already using some tool that can serve that purpose, great. If not, you'll need to set one up. You of course could always use a *third* heka instance (we'll call it heka-3), with a heartbeat filter listening for heka-2's heartbeats, in the same way that heka-2 would be listening for heka-1's. You might then want to monitor heka-3, though, which leads us to turtles all the way down. Or maybe you trust that if heka-3 is set up to do absolutely *nothing* other than listen for heka-2's heartbeats, then process level monitoring is good enough, since the chance of it getting wedged when doing absolutely nothing is vanishingly small.

Hope this helps,


On 01/14/2016 05:59 AM, Ramin Ali Dousti wrote:

What is the best way of monitoring the proper working of a heka
instance? Let me give a concrete example: I have heka-1 that has log
files as input and TCP outputs to another heka instance. The second one
would receive the stream from the first one and publishes to elastic
search as well as influxdb. The simplest monitoring is the process
monitoring, making sure hekad is up, but what can be done (what is the
correct way) to make sure that heka-1 can send to heka-2 and heka-2 is
able to publish to elastic search and influxdb?

As always any insight is greatly appreciated.


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