Hi Rob,

Thanks for your answers.

On 2 Feb 2016, at 20:32, Rob Miller wrote:

> The answers to questions 2 and 3 are clearly "yes", and between what you 
> already know about Heka and my reply to the first message in this thread you 
> should have some ideas re: how to handle monitoring Heka. That leaves us with 
> question 1: "Should a logline that is too big for your sandbox stop Heka?"
> The only person who really knows the answer to that is you, but my guess is 
> that the answer is "yes". Sandboxes are, by definition, resource constrained; 
> if they try to use more than the allowed resources, they will be shut down. 
> If a decoder is shut down, then the input that uses that decoder will also 
> shut down, since presumably you don't want to keep accepting data if you're 
> no longer parsing said data.

I see very clear that I was somewhat wrong in my hopes.

> In this case, would you want Heka to keep running, even though it's no longer 
> accepting your input? We default to "no", under the assumption that it's 
> better for the user to know something has gone wrong than for Heka to keep 
> running while silently failing.
> If Heka is doing other things that are more important, however, you can add 
> `can_exit = true` to your input's configuration, see 
> http://hekad.readthedocs.org/en/v0.10.0/config/inputs/index.html#common-input-parameters.
>  This will tell Heka that it should keep running even if the input has 
> stopped.
> Maybe not the answer you were hoping for, but hopefully it's useful anyway.

Good monitoring of Heka is what I should be doing, thanks for your pointers!


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