I guess I have to do a make or something... I can find my way around
installing Hurd, having followed Matthew Vernon's instructions-- got Grub
working, got a partition shared between Linux and Hurd, done some light
cd/pwd/ls-ing and text editing so all well.. but some commands do not work.
at the bash prompt, e.g. type info and it comes back with command not found.
So I suspect I have to create and catalog some binaries. How?
Incidentally I used the most recent tarball to get the whole Hurd in place.
I have only done a couple of makdevs ie for /dev/hd0s14 (shared gnu+linux)
and /dev/hd0s11 /gnu. Maybe I have to do makedevs for all the linux partns I
want hurd to see, and for the swapfile?

Anyway the main question is do I need to do a make, make install and if so
how? (I do have a couple of *nix books so not too much detail needed, but
any pointers welcomed very much)

Cheers David Denny.

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