Very many thanks I will give this a go.. I think I already got some of the
packages in my previous attempt before going back to the tarball

BTW IMHO not a good idea to create a standard set of devs like Linux - linux
gives you hda0-15 which is a bit short if you want to run 3 or more OSs on a
reasonable size modern machine. One more limitation to work within (LT 2GB,
3primaries, LT 4GB, LT 8.4GB, partition type 0F, etc, etc). No, this time
happy to do it the hard way if it means I can have as many partitions/
slices/ whatever as I would like ..  ;-)>

Looking forward to trying this out asap .. Cheers David.
------Original Message------
From: Marcus Brinkmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: David Denny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: April 12, 2000 3:50:07 PM GMT
Subject: Re: post installation/newbie..Hurd on intel pIII

On Wed, Apr 12, 2000 at 11:34:14AM -0400, David Denny wrote:
> I guess I have to do a make or something... I can find my way around
> installing Hurd, having followed Matthew Vernon's instructions-- got Grub
> working, got a partition shared between Linux and Hurd, done some light
> cd/pwd/ls-ing and text editing so all well.. but some commands do not
> at the bash prompt, e.g. type info and it comes back with command not
> So I suspect I have to create and catalog some binaries. How?

You should install further packages, like info, via the net.
You can get them from

or with dselect (use the FTP access method and the unstable/main
distribution). dselect offers a list of packages, and takes care of

Install singular packages with "dpkg -i filename.deb"

> Incidentally I used the most recent tarball to get the whole Hurd in
> I have only done a couple of makdevs ie for /dev/hd0s14 (shared gnu+linux)
> and /dev/hd0s11 /gnu. Maybe I have to do makedevs for all the linux partns
> want hurd to see, and for the swapfile?

Yes, please. The installation only creates one for the root fs. Maybe we
should generate a standard set like Linux.

> Anyway the main question is do I need to do a make, make install and if so
> how? (I do have a couple of *nix books so not too much detail needed, but
> any pointers welcomed very much)

We try to provide you with a binary distribution for convenient
installation, so you don't need to compile everything yourself (unless your
name is Jeff Bailey :). If there's something you can't find in the archive,
let us know.


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