David R W Denny wrote:
> Hi chaps and thanks so far - my particular problem is that I can get some
> things to execute just from a shell command, whereas for others like "info" I
> get the response "command not found".

Info is in doc/info_XXX.deb, where XXX is the version.
Other programs are in other packages.

> BTW I assume it is possible to have my
> Xserver (gui/kbd/mse) on this machine running X on either Linux or Hurd, and the
> Xclient running the application under Hurd or Linux on another box. That's how
> I understand X - invitations to put myself right on this welcomed ;-)

Yes. Please install the Debian package of xlib6g to do so. It is not so
big, and
it is the correct version. To run on a remote display, make some
authority stuff
(exchange a cookie or do the evil xhost thing), and set the DISPLAY


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