do a search on the histonet archive
i posted a method quite a few years back
processed and cut eyes (human and piggy) on a daily basis for almost 10
go find it - it may help

patience, determination, thicker sections, 2 x pre-float out first on dist
water and then very dilute alcohol to manually tease out the crinkles, then
a gentle float on low ttemp water bath
if its too hot and the sections are too thin they will shatter on the warm
plenty of wax support in the block (use a bigger mould when you embed)

i am on vacation and saw this post by chance

unable to reply in too much detail

good luck

Annie (visiting in Africa)

2009/3/4 Perry, Margaret <>

> Please help!  We have been trying to cut whole eyes from a pig.  They need
> to be nice enough for a publication.  We are having the devil of a time
> because no matter what we do there are wrinkles.  If we turn the waterbath
> up to stretch things out the retina detaches.  Do any of you have
> suggestions?  We uses Surgipath  EM400 for embedding paraffin and and their
> infiltration medium.  Is this to soft? The lowest we can turn our waterbath
> is 38 degrees C.
> Margaret Perry HT (ASCP)
> IHC Lab Manager Veterinary Science
> Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Lab
> South Dakota State University
> Box 2175 North Campus Drive
> Brookings SD 57007
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