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Part 1; Introduction

"When those of the disbelievers drove you out, one of
the two when they were in the cave, when he said to
his companion, 'Do not worry, Allah is with us.' Then
Allah sent down His calmness and peace upon them, and
supported him, and strengthened him with soldiers
(forces), which you saw not, and made the word of the
disbelievers perish, and the word of Allah highest.
And Allah is All-Mighty and Invincible." 9:40 

"They will never cease fighting (killing) you until
you turn back from your religion of Al-Islam." 2:217

The collapse of the Soviet Union in the early 1990's
was not just the break up of a state, it was the
failure of an ideology, and its end, both
internationally and universally. The conflict (Cold
War) which broke out after the Second World War
between the Western Bloc, under the leadership of
America, and the Eastern Bloc led by the Soviet Union,
was not simply an international conflict between two
camps, but also an ideological struggle between two
ideologies: Capitalism and Socialism. The arena of
this conflict was not confined to Europe alone, rather
it extended to the whole world, ending with the
collapse of the Soviet Union and its fragmentation
into many states. 

The Marxist-Socialist ideology failed as a system and
way of life for their people, and Marxism-Socialism as
a victory for the Capitalist ideology as a system and
a way of life. It was also natural for the followers
of Capitalism to exaggerate in portraying this victory
even to the extent that the Japanese philospher
Fukiyama, called it "The end of History."

Ideologies do not end by the downfall of the states
which embrace them, even if this downfall led to the
breakup and fragmentation of the states, rather they
terminate when their nations and people renounce them
and embrace other ideologies and start moulding their
lives on their basis. This is what happened with
Marxism-Socialism; all the nations and people which
the Eastern Bloc was composed of abandoned it, and
turned to Capitalism and started to build their lives
upon its basis.

However, Islam as an ideology remained existent
universally after the destruction of its state, the
'Uthmaani Khilaafa, in 1924, because the Islamic Ummah
with all her different people continued to embrace
this ideology despite the fac that it was removed
froom their practical lives and from the international
sphere. the ideology remains present in the world as
long as there is an Ummah who embraces it, even thoug
this Ummah does not implement its systems for reasons
beyond its will. 

However, it ceases to exist internationally if there
is no state to convey it, and to direct international
policies upon its basis. Accordingly, the Islamic
ideology has existed in the world from the time that
the Islamic State was built. It continued to exist
internationally since that date until the demise of
the 'Uthmaani Khilaafa in the first quarter of this

Regarding Socialism, it began in the world towards the
end of the 19th century when it gained a public
opinion amongst the people of Europe. It existed
internationally in 1917, when a state was established
in Russia and its neighbouring countries, which was
later known as the Soviet Union. Socialism continued
to exist internationally until 1991, whe the Soviet
Union collapsed due to the war against the Mujahideen.
At that time the people began to abandon Socialism and
consequently Marxism-Socialism ended internationally
and in teh world. With the downfall of Socialism,
Capitalism prevailed alone on the international arena
because their was no longer any state in the world
carrying any other ideology able to build
international policies upon its basis.

In terms of universality, two ideologies remained,
Islam and Capitalism. With Capitalism dominating
internationally, a new world order emerged. Thus the
term "New World Order" is correct from this
perspective. Therefore, it was natural for the US
President, George Bush to announce the birth of a new
world order, because USA is the leading state, the
leader of the Capitalist states, and the standard
bearer for the propogating the Capitalist ideology.

America started to spread Capitalism from the moment
she went out to the world as a colonialist state,
because colonialism both in its old or new form isthe
method for spreading this ideology. However, what has
emerged recently is that since the domination
internationally of its ideology, America has begun to
campaign to make it prevail in the whole world. And in
the same way that it succeeded with the help ofthe
other Capitalist states in making Capitalism the
foundation of the international relationships and
traditions, it now wants it to be the way of life for
all the nations and people of the globe. Based upon
this plan, the people are not only to implement
Capitalism as systems and laws, but also to embrace
its creed and take its thoughts, its own concepts,
criteria and convictions in all the domains of life
and not simply be satisfied by merely implementing it.

America had endeavoured to make the Capitalist
ideology the basis of international relations,
traditions and laws, since the establishment of the
United Nations, when it made the Capitalist traditions
the cornerstone of the convention of this
international organization. Yet in reality, America
could not succeed in achieving this goal while the
Soviet Union stull led the Eastern Bloc on the basis
of Socialism and imposed the presence of its ideology
internationally and in the world. So Moscow was able
to prevent the absolute domination of Capitalism
internationally by exploiting the hardship and slavery
suffered by colonized nations and people, which
resulted from the oppression, injustice and greed of
the colonialist Western states. 

So it waged a fierce campaign worldwide in which it
portrayed colonialism in its true ugly face, by making
colonialism and Capitalism synonymous and expounding
that the way for liberation from colonialism was only
through Socialist revolution. This campaign succeeded
greatly to the extent that many people started to
incline towards Socialism. The states which gained
independance and freed themselves f rom colonialism,
by its old face, raised the slogan of socialism. 

However, America realized that the old face of
colonialism would be a danger to the Western
international powers, and to Capitalism as an
ideology. Therefore, it cunningly workded to contain
the apirations of the nations and the peoples towards
Socialism and it started itself to help these nations
and people rid themselves of the overt form of
European colonialism, and started to restrict those
independant states with a new vicious form of
colonialism based on an indirect economic, political
and cultural hegemony which was represented in
military accords, alliances, mutual security
agreements, economic, financial aid and cultural

Thus, under the flags of independence and liberation a
new colonialism replaced the old colonialism. However,
with the collapse of the Soviet Union and Socialism,
there was no longer any resistance tothe sole
domination of Capitalism internationally.

The UN, which since the 1940's had served only as a
forum of speech, with no real power due to the Soviet
right to veto, now changed to become a vast
international organization with international
authority. And it became an important tool to
reinforce the hegemony of America on one side and
consolidate the Capitalist traditions on the other. 

As for the American campaign to make Capitalism an
ideology for all nations and people of the globe, it
meets no resistance except in the Islamic World. This
is because the rest of the nations and people of the
world either already embrace Capitalism, as is the
case with the US, Western Europe and their followers
such as Canada, Australia, and New Zealand or others
like Russia and the states of what once were known as
the Eastern bloc, who have renounced Socialism and
started to mould their lives on the basis of

Although states like China, North Korea, Vietnam and
Cuba are still raising the slogan of Socialism, in
reality they no longer believe in it and gradually
turn to Capitalism wothoug any official proclamation.
Other nations and people of Latin America, the Far
East, South East and some countries and tribes in
Africa, who continually did not have any ideology, do
not perceive Capitalism as a doctrinal rival. The
Islamic Ummah is the only nation from amongst the
non-Capitalist nations which has an ideology which she
embraces, despite the fact that currently she neither
lives according to it nor conveys it the world.
Therefore, the American campaign to make Capitalism
solely dominate the world is not met by real
resistance, except in the Islamic Emirate of

All the current government in the Islamic world do not
implement Islam, even though some of them claim to do
so, which makes Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan a
threat to the Western Capitalist system and ideology.

All the current governments in the Islamic world do
not implement Islam, even though some of them claim to
do so, which makes Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan a
threat to the Western Capitalist system and ideology.
Instead, many of these so-called Muslim places
implement Capitalism in a distorted form. It is the
Islamic Ummah which did not vanish with the
destruction of its state, that begun in the early
1950's. It begun to make moves to mould a life on the
basis of Islam and look forward to save the world with
it, despite the division which the non-Muslims and
their puppet agents ruling created, before and after
the destruction of the Khilaafa.

The Western non-Muslim world maintains its current
domination over all of the Muslim lands. The current
leaders are in reality guarding over these lands for
the interest of America and its Capitalist ideology.
They guard the interests of America, consolidate its
influence, and proceed in all their domestic and
foriegn policies according to Western directions and

Altough the revival of the Ummah is not yet complete,
and proceeds slowly due to the oppression and
persecution of Mujahidin who work for its return, and
because those rulers create an atmosphere of
suppression and terrorism, and due to plans by the
West, led by America is afraid of the Ummah completing
its revival and the return of Muslims as one Ummah
under unified Islamic leadership. A state which will
resume the conveyance of her message to the world to
save it from the suffering, disorder, and immorality
to which it has sunk due tot he hegemony of Capitalim
and its opportunistic and materialistic values. Values
which have turned the world into a jungle without
security or peace, and despite all the scientific and
technological achievements.

So America still recalls how Islam transformed Arabs
from fighting tribes living at the margin of history
into a civilized, distinguished Ummah, wth a
civilization that illuminated the world, an Ummah was
able to become the master of the world in a short span
of time and continued to be so for ten centuries
spreading justice, security, high values and
prosperity, in every place that the standard of the
Khilaafa was raised. 

Therefore, America and associates fear that the
Islamic Ummah would make a return again and destroy
its influence and interests not over its land, but
over the whole globe. Upon America and the West
realizing this fact, the American campaign is directed
primarily against the Islamic Ummah despite the fact
that the campaign is on a world wide scale.

This campaign has other motives such as the Capitalist
greed, the ambitious desire of America and the West
towards the resources of the Muslim lands, the
geogrpahic and strategic advantages of these lands,
and the fact that they constitute a huge market for
the products of the West and are a source for the raw
materials necessary for its industries as well as its
huge oil reserves vital for its life. Notwithstanding
all these motives, the principle motive behind this
campaign is the potential threat from the Islamic
Ummah against the interests of the West, and its
international influence as well as its very existence
once the Islamic Ummah wakes up, revives and carries
her message to the world.

PART TWO - The Pillars of the American Campaign

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