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Taken from http://www.supportersofshariah.org

Part 2; Their Pillars

"When those of the disbelievers drove you out,
one of the two when they were in the cave, when
he said to his companion, 'Do not worry, Allah is
with us.' Then Allah sent down His calmness and
peace upon them, and supported him, and
strengthened him with soldiers (forces), which
you saw not, and made the word of the
disbelievers perish, and the word of Allah
highest. And Allah is All-Mighty and Invincible."

"They will never cease fighting (killing) you
until you turn back from your religion of
Al-Islam." 2:217

.America depends, in her campaign against the
Islamic world, on a number of pillars. 

The first pillar: Its international weight and
influence in the Islamic world, particularly
after the second Gulf War policy which resulted
in the consolidation of her influence in the
whole Islamic region. Due to this weight and
influence the existing states in the Islamic
world became more compliant to American pressure
and plans aimed at suppressing Islam by forcing
Muslims to embrace Capitalism.

The second pillar: While America is the leader of
the Capitalist states, she insures that others
participate in this campaign. America uses its
influence and their agents to guarantee the
success of this campaign in the whole Islamic
world particularly as these states do not differ
fro America in viewing Islam as a threat to them,
to their proper influence and interests.

The third pillar: The international law, and its
tools represented by the UN, its charter and ts
other sub-organizations and institutions which
America employs to implement its plans and cover
with the international law. And the measures are
political, economic, military or other.

"The media is used to distort the image of Islam
and to incite the world against those who adhere
to it, portraying them as fundamentalists,
zealots, extremists and terrorists. This weapon
should not be underestimated."

The fourth pillar: The world media dominated by
America and her allies, which is used as one of
the most deadly weapons in its campaign by using
them to propogate slogans. The media is used to
distort the image of Islam and to incite the
world against those who adhere to it, portraying
them as fundamentalists, zealots, extremists and
terrorists. This weapon should not be
underestimated especially after the revolution in
telecommunications in the second half of this
century which has transformed the whole world
into a tiny village where the written, audible
and visual media has access into every single

The fifth pillar: Perhaps the ugliest and most
dangerous of these pillars are the agent rulers
and the circle around them of underlings,
hypocrites, opportunists and those lured by the
culture of Capitalism and fascinated by its way
of life. This circle also includes those who
pretend to care about Islam, whether they are
government scholars or those presented to the
people as Islamic intellecutals from some Islamic
movements who are in reality nothing more than
secularists, calling for he detachment of the
deen from life.

All of these serve the American campaign by
turning the Muslims away from their deen to
Capitalism by all ways and means including media
misinformation, distortion of the concepts and
rules of Islam, the implementation of kafir laws,
as well as setting up legistlation necessary for
this implementation. They also serve it by
subjugating the states in the Islamic world with
various treaties, pacts and constraints to keep
them under the influence of the West (kuffar) and
fulfilling their role in executing the plots of
the kuffar to impoverish the Islamic community
(Ummah) to do away with the Islamic values among
the Muslims besides the attack against the
sincere and aware children of Islam their
teachers. Thereby spreading an atmosphere of
submission and intimidation over the people, so
that no one dares to voice the truth out of fear
of reprisal. All for the the purpose of
humiliating Islam and forcing Muslims to submit
to disbelief and the ways of the kuffar.

These are the most important pillars which
America relies upon in its campaign against Islam
and the Muslims, for the purpose of suppressing
Islam through forcing the Muslims to embrace
Capitalism. This campaign manifests itself in
four slogans which essentially consititute the
core of Capitalism: 1) Democracy, 2) Pluralism
3)Human Rights and 4) Free Market Policies.

Before addressing these slogans and refuting them
in detail, it is necessary to explain the
falsehood of the basis from which they eminate.
This basis is the Capitalist creed, i.e. the
creed of detaching "Religion" from life. This
creed does not result from a rational process,
nor even from a logical one, rather it is a
compromise between tow contradictory ideas; the
idea which the clergy used to call for in the
"Medieval Ages", namely the submission of
everything in this life to the "Religion", i.e.
Christianity and the idea which some thinkers and
philosiphers called for, namely the denial of the
existence of a Creator.

So the idea of detachment of "Religion" from life
is a compromise solutioin between these two
sides. A compromise solution is conceivable
between two similar views where there is some
disparity, but it is inconeivable to exist
between two contradictory views.

Either there is a Creator who created man,
universe and life and accordingly this discussion
witll then be about whether this Creator has
prescribed a system for man to proceed with, in
this worldly life, or, or there is no Creator and
accordingly the religion would not be detached
from worldly life, but rather would be rejected
from it.

But to say there is no importance in the
existence or non-existence of a Creator is a
matter which does not convince the mind or
reassure the nafs (soul). Therefore, the mere
fact that the Capitalist doctrine is a result of
a compromise in an issue which allows no such
compromise is enough in itself to refute this
doctrine, for both those who believe in the
existence of Creator or those who deny His

This decisive rational evidence leads to the
conclusion that there is a Creator Who created
man, universe and life, and that this Creator has
prescribed a system for man to follow in this
life and He will account him after death on his
adherence to this system. However, the issue at
hand is neither to discuss the existence of the
Creator nor the system which He set up for man,
rather it is to discuss the Capitalist doctrine
and expose its falsehood. In this regard, it is
enough to establish the falsehood by the fact
that this creed is a compromise between two
contradictory opinions and that it is not built
on reason.

The refutation of the Capitalist creed is
sufficient to refute the whole of Capitalist
ideology because whatever is built on falsehood
is itself false. This means that there is no need
to discuss in detail the fundamentals of the
ideology. But as some of these ideas have
achieved widespread circulatioin throughout the
world and they have gained acceptance by some
Muslims, and because they form the slogans of the
American campaign in its ferocious attack on
Muslims and Islam, it has become necessary to
address them, show their falsehood as well as
their contradiction with Islam. Accordingly, it
is prohibited for Muslims to adopt them and it is
obigatory to reject them and challenge all those
who propogate them. 

The four slogans of this campaign are democracy,
pluralism, human rights, and free market

End of Part Two.


PART THREE - Democracy, Pluralism and Human
Rights coming...

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