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Assalamu'alaikum to all,

The Wahhabis are known for parroting the slogan of "Qur’an and
Sunnah," without any profound understanding of the two sources of
Islam, and are known for slandering scholars of Ahlu-s-Sunnah like
Imams Suyuti, Imam Abu Hamid Ghazali, Imam Nawawi, (radi Allahu
'anhum) among others. The great Hanafi scholar, Imam Muhammad Amin
Ibn Abidin (radi Allahu 'anh), stated that the Wahhabis of today are
reviving the creed of the Khawarij of the past. It is also known that
the Khawarij wrongly understand the meanings of ayahs in the Qur’an
and falsely attribute ayahs meant for non-Muslims to Muslims. The
Wahhabis are notorious for reviving this Kharijite practice.
Moreover, the Wahhabis have a passion for trying to find faults among
the mujtahids such as the noble Imam Abu Hanifah, Imam Shaf‘i, Imam
Malik, and Imam Ahmad Ibn Hanbal. They try to find faults in their
methodologies, while they do not possess a methodology of their own.
Hence, Wahhabi "scholars" who have graduated from Wahhabi
universities in Saudi Arabia are never taught a methodology to enable
them to understand the Qur’an and Sunnah. This is why they are in a
constant state of self-contradiction, confusion, and fitnah among the
Muslim population.

It is the scholars of Ahlu-s-Sunnah wa-l-Jama‘ah who must awaken the
Muslims and warn them by bidding the lawful and forbidding the
unlawful Wahhabi doctrine by efficient means of da‘wah. An
anti-Wahhabi campaign must be formulated and strengthened to defend
the Ash‘ari and Maturidi creeds, the Hanafi, Shaf‘i, Maliki, and
Hanbali madhhabs, and the numerous tariqahs of tasawwuf, of which the
majority of Muslim scholars have been a part of.

Kindly go to http://shell.spqr.net/islam/fitnah.html for official
fatawa from Sunni ulama of Makkah.

And all praise is for Allah, Lord of the worlds.

--- Mohd Yaakub Mohd Yunus <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Assalaamu'alaikum WarahmatuLlah
> Kekeliruan tentang hadeeth Nejd dan Eastern side of Rabia ini ada
> beberapa faktor
> 1) Tak Faham Istilah Nejd dalam Lugahutul Arabiyyah
> 2) Tak tahu mana east , west, North dan South

Through the window between heart and heart flashes the light that tells truth from lie.
- Mevlana Of The Whirling Dervishes -

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