
Try quoting me next time instead of making false representations of
what I actually said, which was:

>Persons who are not up to programming in C or C++ are not up to
>programming at all and are certainly not skilled enough to produce anything
>but crappy "weapons mods".

I made this statement based upon the observation that these languages
require a particular level of knowledge in the subjects of computer languages,
algorithms, data structures and other fundamentals of Computer Science and
skill in their application which the "easy-to-program" scripting language, by
definition, do not require.

Any person who is not trained in the basics of programming (algorithms + data
= programs) and how to express them in a computer language is -- by definition
-- not a programmer.  This is the same distinction made between real "hackers"
and mere "script kiddies".

Such persons are limited to cutting and pasting example code from tutorials
and/or tweaking damage values, rates of fire, movement speeds and other
such readily changeable values in source code written by someone else
who can *really* program.

Implementation of totally new innovative ideas in a mod is utterly beyond
such persons, for they lack the knowledge and skills to do so.

That is what is meant by "crappy weapons mods".

>Limiting the skilled programmers with a scripting language so unskilled
>programmers can find it easier to make crappy mods is a completely
>brain-damaged idea.

I was being charitable to even call such people "programmers".

You however, crossed the line when you called me 'bigoted' and then called
into question my knowledge of the program languages in question, which
is actually completely irrelevant to the point of argument I made, as I did not
claim expertise as the reason anyone should accept my statement.

Such slimey personal attacks in debates are called 'ad hominem' and all they
demonstrate is your lack of ability at fair and reasonable argumentation.

At 05:08 AM 5/28/2003 +0100, you wrote:
btw, most of my comment was directed at the idea that unless you can code in
C or C++ you might as well not bother programming at all, which unless you
are crazy and an idiot you cant agree with :)

Michael A. Hobson
Web Programmer
IBRC, Inc.

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