If you get a leak portals aren't calculated so that's logical. But the only cause I can think of is that you might still have the structure_seal entity, which will be on water brushes as well as the big ones surrounding the world. I can compile maps just fine, so it is possible!

On 31/07/2011 8:09, Psy_Commando wrote:
It would seem that removing "-alldetail" doesn't hep. It seems the program doesn't find the prt file when vvis starts... And I've had weird leaks.

On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 7:08 PM, Psy_Commando <psycomma...@gmail.com <mailto:psycomma...@gmail.com>> wrote:

            the vbsp version that comes with asw, turns every brush
            into func_detail, so there's no visibility optimization

        That only happens because the compile profiles created by the
        AS authoring tools have -alldetail (or something similar) by
        default. Remove that argument and you get a regular compile.

    Doh...  thanks for correcting me :)

        I think the "tools" Gabe was on about are regarding the art
        pipeline and Hammer, not the actual code.

    Well that'd be better than nothing, I'd love an hammer update, so
    I don't have to hope it won't crash each time I want to look at an
    ent's flags :(

    Well then, I guess going with ASW is probably a good idea
    considering all this, but I'll probably have to get hacky with the
    shaderlib :(

    On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 3:42 PM, Tom Edwards
    <t_edwa...@btinternet.com <mailto:t_edwa...@btinternet.com>> wrote:

            the vbsp version that comes with asw, turns every brush
            into func_detail, so there's no visibility optimization

        That only happens because the compile profiles created by the
        AS authoring tools have -alldetail (or something similar) by
        default. Remove that argument and you get a regular compile.

            And I wonder if a mod can be incentive enough to download
            the complete ASW just to play the mod, why can't we just
            have a SDK base ASW ?

        Alien Swarm is 2GB, SDK Base 2007 is 4GB (albeit with a lot of
        shared stuff that most people already have). A Swarm base
        would be lovely all the same, and without any AS content could
        total less than 300MB.

        And yes, getting animstate right is a bitch. :) Needing to
        blank SetAnimation() had me stuck for ages.

        On 30/07/2011 7:48, Psy_Commando wrote:

            Didn't Gabe Newell said they were working on sdk tools one
            or two months ago ?
            Anyways, the thing is, I'm not very confident in the ASW
            devs, or ASW's future. I heard from the guys I'm helping
            at Hypovolemia, that they gave them a fixed matchmaking
            dll to fix the hard-coded limit of 5 players, but after
            issuing them with the fix they went silent and didn't
            release it officially, as far as I know. They haven't
            heard from them since May, if I remember correctly.
            We also don't have access to the shaderlib, I'd swap it
            with the orange box's shaderlib, but they seem to have a
            lot of custom shaders. And the vbsp version that comes
            with asw, turns every brush into func_detail, so there's
            no visibility optimization,  we have to use the OB vbsp
            instead for fps, or 3rd person mods :(

            And I wonder if a mod can be incentive enough to download
            the complete ASW just to play the mod, why can't we just
            have a SDK base ASW ? Or even just merge the ASW SDK with
            the source sdk, so it may get a little more attention from
            the devs, and community.

            And thanks for the skeleton code, I'll check it out. But
            I'm pretty far along tweaking the asw_player back into a
            "regular" player, I'm still struggling a little with the
            anim system though.

            On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 11:02 AM, Tom Edwards
            <mailto:t_edwa...@btinternet.com>>> wrote:

               There's a change to the way SteamIDs are handled that
            breaks game
               DLL networking, Tony. IIRC that's why Source 2009 was
            split off
               from 2007 in the first place. Sounds like something
            easy to fix

               On 30/07/2011 3:46, Tony "omega" Sergi wrote:

                   Oh, and when I say there are no significant changes
            in the
                   code, i mean the publically available mod code. not
                   and stuff only valve + licensee's get.

                   On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 11:45 PM, Tony "omega" Sergi
            <omegal...@gmail.com <mailto:omegal...@gmail.com>
            <mailto:omegal...@gmail.com <mailto:omegal...@gmail.com>>
            <mailto:omegal...@gmail.com <mailto:omegal...@gmail.com>
            <mailto:omegal...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:

                      btw, there *really* aren't *that many*
            differences between 2007
                      and 2009, granted, it probably would be nicer to
            have an
                   SDK for
                      it, just so that it's the latest and greatest,
            but there are no
                      significant changes in the code.
                      and last i looked, it should have no problem
            loading 2007
                      mods, as the interfaces required haven't changed
            from what
                   I can
                      see. (TF2 is running 2009, and you run mods from
                   engine, at
                      least where the DS is concerned..)

                      I suppose the next best thing would be just to
                   "source sdk
                      base 2007" up to "source sdk base 2009".

                      - Tony

                      On Sat, Jul 30, 2011 at 10:06 PM, Tobias
            <mailto:tobias.kammersga...@gmail.com>>>> wrote:

                          The biggest problem with using the ASW code
            is really
                   the lack
                          of Half-Life 2 content. The singleplayer mod
            I'm working on
                          would love to have features from the ASW
            code base, however
                          lack of HL2 stops us from going there.
            Granted we should
                          replace all the HL2 content with out own,
            but I don't
                   see that
                          happening with a team of 5 people.

                          However I will checkout your skeleton Tom :)!

                          - ScarT

                          On 30 July 2011 14:57, Tom Edwards
            <mailto:t_edwa...@btinternet.com>>>> wrote:

                              Don't expect any more significant
            updates to 2007/9, if
                              for no other reason than the move from
            GCF to NCF.
                              Swarm is from the main codeline and is
            much more recent
                              than 2007/9 so is clearly the best
            choice for new mods.

                              Since you probably aren't making a
            top-down shooter
                              is an alpha for the Alien Swarm
            Skeleton, which is a
                              simple first-person game. Hopefully
            having something
                              public will encourage me to spend more
            time on its
                              remaining problems. :)


                              On 30/07/2011 12:24, Psy_Commando wrote:

                                  Sorry, for the previous message,
            forgot to put a

                                  Hi,this time I'm having a more
                                  Me and my team were about to switch
            from Source
                                  to Alien Swarm Source, to make our
            mod free, and to
                                  have access to the menu and loading
            UI and the
                                  Swarm assets. However, Source 2007
            is now free, so
                                  that removed one of the big
            advantages of ASW.
                                  ASW, has tons of references directly
            to member
                                  variables of other classes, which
            makes it very
                                  to make significant changes.

                                  What I'm wondering is, is this a
            good move in
                   the long
                                  term ? I mean ASW, and the ASW SDK
            are pretty much
                                  left to die by its devs, and there
            are about two
                                  active mods... Unlike with ASW I can
                   that there
                                  will be a Source 2009 update at some
            point with the
                                  Source SDK. Any suggestions or
            comments ?

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                   --         -Tony

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