I'm glad you brought up these points, HoundDawg.  I'm having the same
problems with my servers.

> Now that the new patch has been running on our servers for a little while,
> here are some issues we are experiencing in TFC:
> 1) Sometimes after the map changes, half of the players (on a full 18
> server) have a hard time joining the game.  Basically, they are stuck in
> gui menu for selecting a team.  Either they have to wait a long time or
> reconnect to the server.

We have the same problem.  We go from a full 18 player server to 9 or 10
just about every map change.  I rarely see anyone who has been able to stay
connected for more than an hour (2 map cycles).

> 2) Even though I can get the server to run without crashing for a while
> days), every now and then it still crashes.  In fact, with it busy over
> weekend, it crashed quite frequently for some reason.

Same here, but not as frequently.  My 18 player public server is full almost
all the time, and it crashes about once a day.  Before 4108, it NEVER

> 3) This patch has added a great deal of in game lag.  Modem users can see
> the packet problems especially when they are using the in-game voice
> feature.  So, many of them are opting out of using that at all now.
> Otherwise, just general gameplay and at times, there will be a period
> all of the players and gameplay is lagging like we were all playing with a
> latency of 800-1500 while the scoreboard still reports our latency as
> This type of lagged gameplay makes it nearly impossible to play at all.
> hate to be in a match when this happens.

Strangely enough, I'm getting *fewer* complaints of lag.  Every day I tally
a "lag complaint" ratio from the log files, which tells me what percentage
of the chat messages have the word "lag" in them (not counting "flag", etc).
Before the patch I averaged a .76% complaint ratio, and since it's dropped
to .47%. Unscientific, I guess, but interesting. I have sv_minrate at 3000
and sv_maxrate at 5000, which are the same settings I've had for over a
year.  Something to note though is that VERY few players use the voice
features on my servers.



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