----- Original Message -----
From: "HoundDawg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 01, 2001 4:35 PM
Subject: A Few TFC Issues

> Now that the new patch has been running on our servers for a little while,
> here are some issues we are experiencing in TFC:
> 1) Sometimes after the map changes, half of the players (on a full 18
> server) have a hard time joining the game.  Basically, they are stuck in
> gui menu for selecting a team.  Either they have to wait a long time or
> reconnect to the server.

Agreed, the selection used to be 'stikky' needing a couple of clicks to
choose team sometimes, Ive heard complaints before but it was just an
annoyance then, you got in on the 2nd or 3rd go usually.  BUT, since this
patch, its a lot worse.  Me and others are getting literally stuck -
choosing either team, or auto, or spec just returns you to the choose team
menu over and over again.

Also, can you please please look at the avanti bug where the round restarts
and the grating doors are open, soon to close when the round starts, so
cutting off the 2 teams? Its still happening from time to time.


[Mad Ad]

> 2) Even though I can get the server to run without crashing for a while
> days), every now and then it still crashes.  In fact, with it busy over
> weekend, it crashed quite frequently for some reason.
> 3) This patch has added a great deal of in game lag.  Modem users can see
> the packet problems especially when they are using the in-game voice
> feature.  So, many of them are opting out of using that at all now.
> Otherwise, just general gameplay and at times, there will be a period
> all of the players and gameplay is lagging like we were all playing with a
> latency of 800-1500 while the scoreboard still reports our latency as
> This type of lagged gameplay makes it nearly impossible to play at all.
> hate to be in a match when this happens.
> 4) The spy can do frontal knife assaults that kill all light and mediam
> classes with 2-3 swings.  It's much more difficult to get those backstabs
> well.  Even though Valve has reported no change in the coding of the spy,
> there is a noticeable difference in gameplay with it.  It may be related
> other issues/fixes though.
> 5) Players are adapting their BHop/Glide scripts to the patch changes to
> where the HWG is back BHopping with ease again and at the same speed (as
> appears anyway, like a hwg BHopping outdistancing a running scout).
> 6) At times, respawn players will get killed if another respawns in the
> position shortly after.  This somewhat was there prior to 4108 though.
> just experienced it a little more frequently now. =\
> Anyway, there is a list of some observances.  Currently, the most annoying
> one is #3.  #2 comes in second with #1 close behind.  #5 will become more
> an issue as more players adapt.
> Is anyone else experiencing these issues?
> HoundDawg
> http://www.phpGamingSite.com
> http://www.unitedadmins.com
> http://www.unitedadmins.com/hlbp

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