Saving favorites from the in-game serverbrowser has >never< worked.

I believe the nonfunctional SRCTV to be the major reason any competitive
event might prefer to choose CS 1.6 where HLTV works quite well.  Many of
the other issues whisper mentioned while irksome, are still a little
subjective and would probably not be enough by themselves to cause a change
in engines.

Although the in-game spectate works in CS:S you can't have loads of
spectators sitting in the game while a competition is running, you must
totally isolate them from the game play.

Recording from the SRCTV server would also give all-player viewpoints (if it
was working) which makes competition review and management and distribution
of game highlights possible.

I find that I'm unable to properly manage my HL2DM server without a working
SRCTV.   I am also unable to properly manage and update new map releases
since I can't observe what players are actually doing, a critical element in
the map authoring process.

Since I run LAN clients just to attach to the SRCTV server, I don't care
what the bandwidth utilization is for SRCTV (one of the reasons it has not
been fixed).

Keeping a good attitude and sending meaningful and consistent feedback to
Valve will get action faster then abusive rants that will never be read.

----- Original Message -----
From: "MOFCLAN.NET :: Bush"
To: <>
Sent: Wednesday, February 15, 2006 10:04 AM
Subject: Re: [hlds] Valve are you listening?

Perfect example
of this is the favorites within the game not working.. This was broken
militia was fixed and if memory serves me properly this update only
the map and BOT Bug fixes -- Nothing was posted about any changes to the
steam client or the favorites being re-worked.

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