[ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
I don't subscribe to any pay to play service that Valve has.  The life blood
as you are talking are the people and companies that host Valve's free HLDS
server program.  These people and Companies profit directly from the game.
Valve gets a meaningful supply of money from Business that pay for there
cyber cafe' program and game sales, other than that... companies pay to
release games on the Steam service.  That is direction that Valve is headed
into online game streaming.  If you remember back when they first parted
ways with Vivendu and started Steam.  Of course they will continue to
release HL related stuff but I believe there biggest source of revenue is
going to be from the Streaming of software from the Steam program.

-------Original Message-------

From: Frazer
Date: 02/16/06 15:30:59
To: hlds@list.valvesoftware.com
Subject: RE: [hlds] Valve are you listening?

It occurred to me that many of the subscribers to this list represent a
large number of commercial and non-commercial game hosting providers.  It
seems to me that the means to get Valve's attention is self-evident, if not
a bit tricky to organize.  Imagine if a large percentage of the very best
game servers went offline for 24 hours?  I wonder if Valve might put a bit
more emphasis on the issues presented and discussed here.  Valve's
life-blood is the revenue from game client subscribers.  If their online
gameplay experience is jeopardized - well...

Just sayin'

"Listen to others thoughtfully and reflect on what is said.  Concede
mistakes gracefully and correct others with humility, not ridicule."  -
Japanese Proverb

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