At 11:22 PM 5/3/2007 -0700, frag wrote:

>I haven't read all of the posts on this topic Dan, Is this a winblows box
>and if so what flavour.

        The server is Win2k3, also have the test box on Win2k pro and we're 
running windows XP Pro on the test client.  Webserver is Win2k3, test unit is 
Apache under Gentoo.  Pretty standard config.

>I know with a winblows 2003 server & 2003 web addition, The wads didn't want
>to download but with my fedora 3,4,5 and 6 boxes sv_downloadurl works
>perfectly without adding any other mime types.

        That's kind of what I'm seeing.  The .wad's, .bmp's, .wav's, etc...
all download correctly, but the client reports the .mdl files cannot be
downloaded.  So far if I redirect to the apache server under linux
everything works fine.  On the Win2k3 webserver, I've added all the file
extentions as MIME types as application/octet-stream.  The funny thing is
another test client (Buddy I called) downloads everything and loads the
map but there is evidence they are missing models (checkerboard textures
on some items).  At this point I need to clear the client of all non-
standard maps and add more logging to see if it's even being contacted.

        The models that do not download on the client do download via IE
or Firefox if the full URL is entered, which makes me think the client
has a configuration issue.

>I have a crapload of bandwidth and everything all setup, If you want to, you
>can use my URL for your downloads until you get yours figured out.   ;)

        I do appreciate that.  If you wouldn't mind, could you send me
personal e-mail with the URL?  I won't use it for a production box (you
pay for that bandwidth after all, and I won't leech it) but your webserver
would make a perfect place to compare results with vs. my own.

                - Dan

* Dan Sorenson      DoD #1066      A.H.M.C. #35     [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* Vikings?  There ain't no vikings here.  Just us honest farmers.   *
* The town was burning, the villagers were dead.  They didn't need  *
* those sheep anyway.  That's our story and we're sticking to it.   *

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