At 12:21 AM 5/2/2007, you wrote:

>A quick addition of .bsp, .wad, .mdl, .spr, .wav and .mp3 into the
>list of mime types as application/octet-stream failed to improve matters,
>but the real debugging can wait until tomorrow.

        For those keeping score at home, everything but the models seems
to be downloading properly.  At this point I'm not certain if that's
something with the webserver or the client.  Are all files in the download
directory supposed to be served as application/octet-stream, or is there
another MIME type I should be using for certain ones?

                - Dan

* Dan Sorenson      DoD #1066      A.H.M.C. #35     [EMAIL PROTECTED] *
* Vikings?  There ain't no vikings here.  Just us honest farmers.   *
* The town was burning, the villagers were dead.  They didn't need  *
* those sheep anyway.  That's our story and we're sticking to it.   *

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