"If they are obeying the rules and not harming things, no. I don't think you
should be able to."

And is valve going to make some code to check if they are obeying the rules?

No, it's up to me to decide if they break the rules. 

"But this isn't a nightclub. This is more like 2 bikes you own that you 
left out in the park with a sign saying, "Anyone can ride these bikes", 
then pushing off people who ride them because you want to."

Bad analogy. It's more like, "Anyone can ride these bikes, as long as you
don't steal them, damage them, or use them for illegal purposes. If you do,
I will take away the bike, WARNING: This may involve pushing you off the

"If you offer a service to the public, then you should be willing to obey
the public rule. You don't become a cop and say, "You know, I don't agree
with that law. I'm going to shoot that guy anyway"."

Woah, another bad analogy. If I offer a service to the public and it's on my
property, it's still my property. If a person becomes threatening (say, with
a deadly weapon), then guess what, here in Florida... I can shoot him!

Otherwise if he's just being a troublemaker without a weapon, I have every
right to kick him out of my property for any reason I deem.

That is essentially what happens on my servers. If you break the rules,
you're out.

Taking away power from the administrators over their own servers will ensure
that there will be no quality game servers. Period. Enjoy those lovely
listen servers. 

I'm sick of these people who think they have a right to play on someones
server, if you have an abusive admin, you can leave the server and not go
there again. This is an issue with L4D though because of the automatic
server selection but I'm sure it will be fixed.

When you are on a third party server, you are in someone else's house,
you're allowed to be there, but the owner is ultimately who decides if you
can be there or not. 

Let's see you go to a public party at someone's house, the owner doesn't
like you for whatever reason and asks you to leave, you refuse. He calls the
cops (rather than getting his big friends to drag you out kicking and

You can't just say to the cops, "Hey I wasn't breaking the rules, the person
who OWNS the property can't kick me out cause I was obeying the rules!". 

It doesn't matter, IT'S THE OWNERS PROPERTY. 

- voogru
-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Leonard L. Church
Sent: Thursday, November 13, 2008 4:51 PM
To: Half-Life dedicated Win32 server mailing list
Subject: Re: [hlds] L4d vote kicking

Ok.. You want to get into it... We can.

Spencer 'voogru' MacDonald wrote:
> So let me get this straight.

No... To easy... I'll let that one slide.

> Let's say, I decide to run a nightclub, the nightclub is public. Anyone
> go to my nightclub.

If your nightclub can only hold 4 people (counting yourself), then 
perhaps you would have a point.

> You are saying that, I should not have control of who I can kick out of my
> nightclub?

If someone is trashing your nightclub (of you and 3 other people), then 
yes. Kick them out. If they are obeying the rules and not harming 
things, no. I don't think you should be able to.

But this isn't a nightclub. This is more like 2 bikes you own that you 
left out in the park with a sign saying, "Anyone can ride these bikes", 
then pushing off people who ride them because you want to.

> That's essentially what a server is, a club, it's operated by me, it is
> for by me. It is essentially my private property, and if I do not want
> someone on it, I have the right to remove them from it. They can counter
> course, by going to another server.

Actually, you rent servers mostly. You might not, but that's neither 
here nor there as we are talking about server owners in general and not 
how big your ... server... is.

For TF2 and CSS and games that have bigger sizes, then yes. I would 
agree with you that you should have more control over this. But it 
isn't. It's a small server and it's not a nightclub.. No matter how much 
you want it to be.

> Having some logic in my own club that allows a few troublemakers to
> essentially throw me out of my own club is pretty ridiculous. 

If you offer a service to the public, then you should be willing to obey 
the public rule. You don't become a cop and say, "You know, I don't 
agree with that law. I'm going to shoot that guy anyway".

> You obviously do not run a server with the kind of stance you are taking.

I love your logic. Because I disagree with you, I don't run a server. :)

You got me.. I don't have a server at all.. *chuckles* Apparently, if I 
owned a server (which I do), I would agree with everything you say.

> If you do not like a server, open console, type... disconnect. Wow, that's
> really hard.

No one said that is hard.

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