Um, Valve isn't a charity organization, they're a company, in
> business to make money, and throwing money at something doesn't
> guarantee that it will either work, or be fixed (windows anyone?).

Windows works, its very proffecient at giving me blue screens.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michael Ressen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 7:49 PM
Subject: Re: [hlds_linux] HLDS 3111c

> WHAT?   Are you on glue?   Explain to me how micro$oft, let alone,
> windoze has ANYTHING to do with this???   Did they just buy Valve?   Or
> did they covertly purchase (or steal) RFC-768 recently without my
> knowledge (or bid)?   So how (I cant wait for this answer) would
> changing the way they handle UDP have ANYTHING to do with what we're
> discussing?   We're not talking about pings here, nor are we discussing
> routing.  This is a simple matter of CPU usage.
> DjoDJo was talking about the fact that with the huge increase in cpu
> load, he can't run well because the insane resource requirements cause
> his servers to melt - thus increasing pings to an unplayable level.
> The problem is not the ping, it is the need for clockcycles.
> ISP's and latest routing technology?   I'm sure whoever is in charge of
> the ISP's decisions on routing policies has a pretty decent handle on
> what's best for their organization.   If you were familiar with this
> concept, you'd know there isn't one cure-all for routing, protocol or
> otherwise.   And valve?   Slap them 100M and get a low-ping server and
> network?   Um, Valve isn't a charity organization, they're a company, in
> business to make money, and throwing money at something doesn't
> guarantee that it will either work, or be fixed (windows anyone?).
> Ok, Im sorry for the flame here, but calling the discussion BS and
> telling people to chill out because it makes you sick really isn't too
> proper for a listesrv, especially when you don't know what you're
> talking about.
> Ok, back to my little cave.
> Michael Ressen,
> Michigan Burbs Network Administrator
> > From: "Britt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Subject: Re: RE: [hlds_linux] HLDS 3111c
> > Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2003 20:36:06 -0500
> >
> > get a grip.  I'm more than sure the programmers do care.  Be
> > glad its free and ligthen up a little  - alright?
> > Use until you hear the release is stable.   We're
> > running more than
> > one '32' player server and pushing close to 30 gig at any
> > given instance of valves ever popular TFC/CS/DOD UPD traffic.
> >  You can only do so much with what you're given bro - unless
> > windows changes and the UDP protocol and other internet
> > routing facilities change their ways of routing to  a more
> > up-2-date means - then its gonna just linger... Until that
> > time -we have no
> > choice but to deal with what we're dealing with now.   Slap over $100
> > million to valve and I promise they'll give you a 'low ping'
> > server and network! Then you tell Microsoft to modify the way
> > UDP packets are handled and other major ISPs to change to the
> > latest in routing technology.
> >
> > We can load a 2 processes of hlds on an Intel P4 2gzh 1 gig
> > ddram  - 32 players each - and it runs just fine.  If you're
> > on an old school ISP with lame routing - it'll probably suck
> > - other than that - Valve is doing 110% - I'm no programmer
> > but we have indy programmers here in this company that do
> > gaming dev - and its 1000 times more complex than you could ever
> > imagine!!!!!!!   So chill on the CPU BS - that makes me sick.
> >  Sorry man.
> > Just frustrates me seeing someone flame a development company
> > thats doing this for free (lifetime) and people bitch and
> > moan - while we profit off their development by providing
> > server space and bandwidth... consider us lucky.
> >
> > Have a nice day.   Beer is on the ice!
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > Sent: Sunday, June 01, 2003 8:32 PM
> > Subject: Re: RE: [hlds_linux] HLDS 3111c
> >
> >
> > > I CAN'T understand how they can add some useless features like the
> > > "stats" system in console, which use more and more CPU,
> > when the cpu
> > > usage is already so high !
> > >
> > > I use a AMD 1900 XP to run a 32 people servers, it run
> > quite good with
> > > the (dont dream, i cant run big maps like torn, storm,
> > > piranesi, survivor or even vertigo, or the ping go up to
> > 200 for every
> > > one). I tried the , without any plugin, with the optimised
> > > binaries, and
> > it was
> > > totally unplayable. If i wanted to have the same ping than before, i
> > should
> > > set the maxplayer to 24 !!
> > >
> > > Sorry i'm a bit nervous, but this is too crazy.
> > > Valve programmer dont care about CPU usage.
> > > I would prefer a new beta only based on CPU usage
> > improvement, than a
> > > new beta in which we cant find real good new things but which still
> > > use more
> > and
> > > more CPU.
> > > I'm sure it would be really more appreciated by a lot of
> > people. And I
> > > wonder why the servers renting company dont speak about
> > that. That's
> > > probably a big problem for them.
> > >
> > > DjoDjo
> > >
> > > >I'm comparing the recent to, and observe
> > approx 40
> > > >increase in cpu load under idential maps and playercounts
> > running CS.
> > > >Now my setups use -pingboost 3 and +sys_ticrate 10000 so I
> > know I'm
> > > >going to be working the cpu, but even with the advent of optimized
> > > >binaries, it made zero difference.   One of my servers has
> > a 2.8 Xeon,
> > > >and if a binary compiled with optimizations for x686 really did
> > > >anything I would have noticed a difference between the 4
> > binaries that were
> > > >provided.   I was not able to disinguish any difference in
> > performance
> > > >or load for any of them.   All of them worked, even the
> > amd-optmized
> > > >one, and no one showed any better performance than any other.
> > > >
> > > >With my setup, I can still support 2 20-player servers with that
> > > >config and the new binaries, but that's really pushing it
> > and there's no margin
> > > >left.   I hope Valve considers this issue because such a dramatic
> > > >increase in resources is bound to have an effect on the entire HL
> > > >community.  Just think, how many people's server hardware
> > can no longer
> > > >support what they were running, all because of an upgrade?
> >   My guess is
> > > >quite a few.   I can understand some gradual needs for resource
> > > >increases over time, but what caused such a substantial
> > increase?   Has
> > > >Valve even acknowleged it yet?   Have they said anything about
> > > >correcting it?    I haven't heard anything, so my
> > assumption is that
> > > >they are considering this not to be a code problem, but an
> > inherent
> > > >need of the game engine.
> > > >
> > > >I rolled my servers back to last night, and they
> > are running
> > > >beautifully again.   Loads are down, pings are down,
> > players are happy,
> > > >and I have left over CPU resources again.
> > > >
> > > >Back to your statement about a 1gig cpu doing just fine,
> > yes I agree.
> > > >We were running a 20-player CS server with HLG on a 700mhz
> > P3 back in
> > > >February.   Yes it did get a bit overworked when full, but
> > it wasn't
> > > >bad.   Now, I'd wonder if it could even handle 14 players.
> > > >
> > > >So at this time I can see no advantage to moving to (or
> > > > for win32) until such time that a benefit is revealed.
> > > >
> > > >Michael Ressen,
> > > >Michigan Burbs Network Administrator
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >> Date: Sun, 1 Jun 2003 14:56:41 EDT
> > > >> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >> Subject: [hlds_linux] HLDS 3111c
> > > >> Reply-To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > > >>
> > > >> --
> > > >> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> > > >> I would be happy to see the CRAZY cpu usage of
> > > >> this beta FIXED...
> > > >>
> > > >> Think about people who host servers !!!!!
> > > >> 20 more cpu usage than !
> > > >>
> > > >> Bah!
> > > >>
> > > >> DjoDjo
> > > >>
> > > >>
> > > >> Do you know compare to for win32) to the old
> > > >> version like the CPU usage jumped like 200 to
> > 300 Percent ?
> > > >>
> > > >> 2-3 years ago, a 1GHz can handle HLDS + CS like nothing, now? a
> > > >> 3GHz computer can barely handle a busy HLDS, I'm not
> > sure what kind
> > > >> of code they're using, but this kind of insane CPU
> > really getting
> > > >> out of hand, compare to other game engines that got far more
> > > >> features than HL does but they're using far less
> > resources.....sigh
> > > >>
> > > >> Chickon
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