I don't think anybody on this list actually thinks that cheating is
right in anyway.  Some of us run organisations and provide services and
servers that are paid for.  Making us liable, and in Europe consumer's
are protected and can be taken to court by the government for not
allowing these rights.

I am not interested in people's moral standing on cheating, as I said, I
would hope that's all pretty much in agreement.  I am interested in how
this can be done legally for when it all back-fires miserably.

Valve may be a US company but they retail into the European market,
meaning they are liable under European laws, whether they are European
blanket laws, or laws of an individual countries.  Which is why
Microsoft is losing battles left right and centre in Europe because the
laws are far stricter than in America regarding these sorts of things.

This thread may not have any relevance for American server providers,
but I would be interested in the views of other European or UK based
providers, and what Valve have to say on the subject.

Daniel Stroven wrote:


You think a one year ban is an extreme measure against cheaters?  100 years
ago, it was pretty much legal in WHATEVER country you lived in to kill
another man for cheating at playing cards.  It is exactly people like you
who promote cheating.  You want people to think of cheating as some minor
issue that is harmless..even make excuses for it.  Cheating in a game, in
school, on the job or any place else is not harmless or a small matter.

Cheating is unethical, immoral, dishonest, fraudulent, and about million
other things wrong or illegal.  The problem is people like you who teach the
next generation that cheating is not a big deal.  People like you make them
think its not wrong because some loophole in a law can't prevent it or
because it doesn't hurt anyone.  It's people like you who think only of what
is good for themselves and not the majority of people.

For me, it has nothing to do with whether your European, or American or
whatever.  Right its right and wrong is wrong.  Cheating in ANY form is
wrong.  A one year ban for multiple cheating violations (cheaters typically
cheat all the time and have been caught multiple times already) is not
extreme.  Nor is it unreasonable, unjust, cruel or unusual.  If I made the
decisions for the length of time someone was banned for cheating...it would
be a true perm ban.

Btw, your not an attorney so spare us your opinion concerning which laws of
Europe would be best used to defend or protect a cheater.  Valve is not a
European company.   You want to file a lawsuit against Valve, to protect the
"rights" of cheaters...come to the US and do it.  Otherwise save your
excuses about cheating for cheaters, I don't want to read anything from a
server admin who defends and supports cheaters.  It doesn't belong here and
neither do you.  We are AGAINST cheaters, not for them.
Wireplay Official

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