In a bold display of creativity, Mark Ellis wrote:

Please read my mail and the mail I was making a reply to before quoting me
in your mails and making your assumptions based on an edited reply to my
original mail.

Wow, that made no sense at all. I clicked reply and top-posted. That's pretty simple stuff. The only assumption I made was that you were more intelligent than you clearly are. For this, I apologize.

Someone said valve need "personal time" and this was their reason for valve
not releasing a patch for the server, the "down the beach" comment could
have been "at home with wife" "down the pub" or "watching footy"

Right, so, did you completely and utterly miss the point of my questioning that implication that Valve employees are just lazy, corporate pigs who don't give two shits about you, much less their product? Why would you bother to expound something that needs no clarification whatsoever, even a little bit?

because of very simple bugs that could have been picked up in a real beta
test or could be fixed very quickly yet still seems to take valve 3 working
days to fix.

I know, right? I mean, I for one am shocked and disappointed that Valve didn't release a completely perfect complex software product right out the door. That it could take 3 working days to fix is utterly abhorrent.

In reality, of course, you're the kind of trollish tool that software
companies, businessmen, and intelligent people in general hate.  As I
work for a prominent software company, I'm pretty much right there in
the bullseye on these kinds of things.  If you've actually had
experience with such things, you'd understand why 3 working days to fix
a bug that automatically rolls out to the entire install base is pretty
damn impressive.

You then go on to make further quotes from the reply of witch I was not the
author, perhaps you should move to a threaded mail client so you can
actually work out who said what and who replied to what before you have to
post using profanity to get your point across.

Holy fuck. I'm trying to figure out whether you, someone who uses "X-Mailer: Microsoft Office Outlook, Build 11.0.6353", are pulling my leg or whether you're trolling out of sheer ignorance. I'm not sure either is forgivable. I use Thunderbird, and I have all hlds_linux emails dropped into a specific subfolder underneath my Inbox, and the emails are listed in threaded view. What's *spectacularly* awesome is that it has no bearing whatsofuckingever on this inane, irrelevant, phantom problem you have invented. Strictly because I'm hoping against hope that your arrogance stems from ignorance rather than from concentrated asshattery, I will remind you that I simply replied to an email and top-posted, eliminating ANY concern about chopped up edits.

Here, because I'm such a nice guy, I'm including the entire block of
quoted text from MY email so you can get the gist of it this time
around. Once you get it, ponder how it makes no fucking difference
either way.  If you still have problems understanding, don't bother to
request further clarification.  Instead, end yourself.

In a bold display of creativity, Mihai Badila wrote:
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2004 at 09:14:50PM +0100 or thereabouts, Mark Ellis
>>Well we all need personal time but while Valve are down the beach I and
>>others are sitting here putting servers back up as fast as they are taken
>>down because the smart guys at mygot release this info end of the week
>>knowing that there will be 3-4 days before valve even start to look at a
>>We had a beta test and what a joke that was one map slow updates you
>>hardly call it a beta more just a hardware test.
>  Agreed.
>>Like many others I think valve is too slow at releasing these fixes, we
>>moved over to steam so they could send out lots of small fixes fast but
>>what I can see steam is just a way of them collecting more data on users
>>than rolling out fixes.
>  Steam is primary a money making machine. Its purpose is also delivering
> patches, content etc. but think.. Steam does a hell of a job for
Valve and
> really poor job for the little guy [valve steam product user]. And yes
> INDEPENDENCE from Vivendi [forgot about that one].
>  I'm not against Steam but no other company has ever used such a
method of
> control for the money.
>  This list is about 80% filled with frustration when you read the mails.
> Kinda makes you think cs, dod and others were doing fine back in the days
> when they were free.

Eric (the Deacon remix)

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