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ban the netcafe cheater accounts via IP - it is in the interest of the netcafe 
owner to secure their computers so that cheats cannot be installed


> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com; [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]> Subject: RE: [hlds_linux] Reducing Cheats on Servers> Date: Fri, 
> 7 Sep 2007 00:59:03 -0400> > } -----Original Message-----> } From: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED] [mailto:hlds_linux-> } [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Whisper> } 
> Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 12:39 AM> } To: 
> hlds_linux@list.valvesoftware.com; HLDS> } Subject: [hlds_linux] Reducing 
> Cheats on Servers> }> } --> } [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative 
> ]> } The following is only our point of view, your mileage may vary.> }> } It 
> is becoming increasingly apparent to us that the majority of the cheats> } we 
> see on our Counter-Strike:Source servers are coming from NetCafe> } 
> Accounts.> }> } VAC for the most part seems to be working as a deterrent to 
> the majority> } of> } normal users. I do not have access to VAC banning 
> stats, but for all I> } know> } it maybe banning boatloads of players.> }> } 
> The main problem here is, VAC's delayed banning system has no effect> } 
> whatsoever on NetCafe Accounts, as it is a simple case for a NetCafe users> } 
> to log out of the STEAM account they are using at the NetCafe and then log> } 
> back in when they have been banned from a server by an admins and renter> } 
> the> } server with a new STEAM_ID, and in any case, who cares about being 
> VAC> } banned if you effectively have unlimited access to STEAM_ID's that 
> aren't> } yours any how?> }> } Here is the thing though, most Netcafes are 
> connected to the Internet via> } Static IP's.> }> } It is a rather trivial 
> task to go through the logs with a program like> } HLStatsX and run a query 
> that generates a list of STEAM_ID's on a per IP> } basis.> }> } Then you 
> check to see which IP's have lots of STEAM_ID's attached to them,> } and then 
> you add those IP addresses to your banned_ip.cfg file and run it> } at> } 
> server start, instant mass reduction of cheats you will see on your> } 
> server.> }> } If you want to be sure, just do a traceroute to the IP in 
> question just to> } be sure you are not wiping a college or university out, 
> but most often you> } will find that these are not going to have Netcafe 
> accounts associated> } with> } them anyhow.> }> } But you can be almost 
> certain that if you see more than 20 STEAM_ID's> } originating from the 1 IP 
> address, you have found a NetCafe that is using> } your servers.> }> } Now 
> the problem for Valve, is if lots of Game Server Providers start IP> } 
> banning NetCafes from their servers, it instantly devalues Valves NetCafe> } 
> program, since the NetCafe users will find it increasingly difficult to> } 
> find> } servers to play on the Internet. In fact it is my understanding that 
> if> } you> } IP ban, then your servers will no longer even come up on that 
> IP's server> } browser, they will either not show up at all, or they show up 
> as not> } responding, in either case the result is the same.> }> } I do not 
> have a simple answer to this, but whilst delayed banning exists,> } there is 
> no other way to stop cheats on servers who have effectively> } unlimited 
> access to STEAM Accounts, other than to IP ban them.> }> } Thoughts?> } --> > 
> Wow, that explains something I see. When someone says "please ban <user>",> 
> the user just says "ban me lol". Or something similar. I was assuming they> 
> must have a keygen and did not care because they could generate a new key> 
> quickly. I would love to see someone post a list of IPs to ban. I would> ban 
> them at the firewall.> > I really do wish Valve would ban cheaters instantly. 
> The aim bots are> perfect and really ****up the game for everyone else.> > I 
> guess when I see someone cheating I should ban the user and IP address.> But 
> as you say, the NetCafe would become useless over time.> > Guy> > > 
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