At 05:41 PM 4/14/2009, Bruce Potter wrote:
>Howdy all,
>I'm giving a talk at a conference this weekend on game servers.
>Basically focusing on the technology behind them, how to secure them
>(both from cheaters/griefers and from actual dedicated attackers), the
>culture around running servers, and whatever else I have time to cover.
>has more info on it.

Interesting idea.. Here's my 2 cents on it.

- Cheating is something that can't be completely solved. The only way 
to stop cheating is stop people form reading/writing to memory
- Mangling your code is decent, but not to someone who can read 
assembly faster than c.
- There are no standards due to the IP that gameservers have in them. 
Personally, I think ALL games that are multiplayer, should have
their code ran through something like coverity prevent. It doesn't 
solve all problems, but it catches a majority of them.

Nowadays you just hope your game is shitty enough that nobody wants 
to bother cheating in it (SOF 3: Payback is an example of a shitty game)


G. "Monk" Stanley
<gary at summit-servers dot com | gary at DragonflyBSD dot org | gary 
at >

"There currently are 7 different ways to get time from a computer. 
All of them can't agree on how long a second is supposed to be" -Me

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