Uh, I expect for them to clear up a mistake. What's so unreasonable about
that, Dan? That's what the delisting thing was about. They admitted it, go
back and re-read the thread.

This has absolutely nothing to do with that, at all. They know what they're
affecting with this change. My proposition was that instead of removing
something that hurts servers in other ways, you could rely on the report a
server function if advertisements were being abused like that. I mean,
that's certainly more reasonable than just removing features I would think.
It's like cutting off your nose to spite your face.

Now can you finally put that other thread to rest and admit you were wrong?
The servers that didn't have their tags updated were mistakenly delisted. I
don't know how anyone can have a conversation with you if you can't even
read and comprehend what Fletcher point blank said.

On Thu, Apr 4, 2013 at 12:17 AM, dan <needa...@ntlworld.com> wrote:

> On 04/04/2013 00:17, Essay Tew Phaun wrote:
>>   What's the report a server feature for, anyway?
> You can't expect Valve be tough on others because you weren't willing to
> accept them being tough with you.
> Perhaps it's much easier to remove the feature and then you can't use it
> or abuse it. You don't really expect them to trust anyone's judgement or
> take it on face value what the spirit of rules are do you?
> Most of all, you can't abuse it and then claim that it's not abuse either
> because the game lets you do it or because there isn't a 150 page bill of
> rights written by lawyers and signed in blood explicitly going over every
> permitted or prohibited thing that one or more of you might dream up next
> to try and get a few bucks by annoying your players in the hope they'll pay
> for you to stop annoying you.
> --
> Dan
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