On 26 Nov 2011, at 03:17 , Russ White wrote:

>> TRILL is not an IP routing protocol. It's a layer 2 bridging protocol more
>> complicated than the spanning tree, and seems completely unnecessary for
>> the small size of bridged networks to be expected in homenets.
> What might actually be ideal is something that can route both at layer 2
> and at layer 3 --I.e., that can treat layer 2 and layer 3 within the
> home identically...

We have a saying in Spanish about "killing flies with cannonballs", and 
probably what I suggest here will be, but I have been the whole week reading 
and discussing about Seamless MPLS, and it sounded precisely like you said...

"Esta vez no fallaremos, Doctor Infierno"

Dr Diego R. Lopez
Telefonica I+D

e-mail: di...@tid.es
Tel:      +34 913 129 041

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