On 29/09/14 13:58, Ted Lemon wrote:
> On Sep 29, 2014, at 3:50 AM, Stephen Farrell
> <stephen.farr...@cs.tcd.ie> wrote:
>> Sooner would be much better than later for that as the DICE WG are
>> right now in the process of (re-)considering whether they can in
>> fact meet their chartered goals on this topic.
> Unfortunately I think at this point we are distracted by a discussion
> about whether to use nails or screws when we haven't settled on what
> kind of house we're building.

Understood. And I don't want to side-track you here.

However, if your house is such that it only requires
confidentiality and data integrity of messages between
group members, but does not require origin authentication
that that'd be useful to know. What I mean by origin
authentication here is the ability for the receiver of a
multicast message to cryptographically verify exactly which
member of the group has sent a message.

If, OTOH, you can say that you would in fact also require
origin authentication, then that is also of interest. (It'd
mean that your use case could not be met by the initially
chartered work for DICE, and that factoid could be helpful
in figuring out how to handle the DICE work.)


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