On 03/10/2014 01:49, Michael Behringer (mbehring) wrote:
> My personal goal is that what we do in ANIMA is fully compatible with and 
> ideally used in homenet. It would feel wrong to me to have an infrastructure 
> that doesn't work in a homenet. 
> The security bootstrap is a good example of what we can achieve, with 
> reasonable effort. To me, address management is a *use case* for the ANIMA 
> work. Actually, we ought to be able to map *any* distributed address 
> management method on top of the autonomic infrastructure that we're trying to 
> create in ANIMA. 
> We should also look to use HNCP in ANIMA, for sure (and the charter allows 
> that!). But according to my intro statement, what ANIMA does would have to 
> work across all architectures. We need to look more closely at this, and see 
> whether 1) HNCP works as is , or 2) we can create an HNCP++ that can scale to 
> SP/Ent, or 3) we need a different approach in ANIMA. As long as we do proper 
> due diligence we should be able to settle on the best of those 3 options. 

Exactly. We have a model for the discovery/negotiation protocol which is
certainly different from HNCP right now, but it is *not* written in stone.
However, today HNCP has a defined scope and has some limitations, so
if we converge, it would have to lose the H ("home") and gain some other
properties. I don't believe we can commit to that in the charter but of
course we can commit to investigate it.


> So, personally I think we can work out a charter that resolves those 
> conflicts, step by step. 
> Michael
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Anima [mailto:anima-boun...@ietf.org] On Behalf Of Ted Lemon
>> Sent: 02 October 2014 13:38
>> To: The IESG
>> Cc: an...@ietf.org
>> Subject: [Anima] Ted Lemon's Block on charter-ietf-anima-00-09: (with
>> Ted Lemon has entered the following ballot position for
>> charter-ietf-anima-00-09: Block
>> When responding, please keep the subject line intact and reply to all email
>> addresses included in the To and CC lines. (Feel free to cut this 
>> introductory
>> paragraph, however.)
>> The document, along with other ballot positions, can be found here:
>> http://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/charter-ietf-anima/
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>> The following exchange between Mark and Brian illustrates what I want out
>> of a BoF or External Review discussion:
>> Mark:
>> [...]
>> In any case, It's not hard to extrapolate from here that in a year's time or 
>> so,
>> if we continue on the current trajectory, homenet will have come up with
>> its own non-anima secure bootstrapping, and anima will have come up with
>> its own non-homenet distributed IPv6 prefix configuration.
>> Brian:
>> Which we should try to coordinate, since I see no reason in theory why
>> there can't be common underlying mechanisms between enterprise, carrier
>> and SOHO. But I don't want to hear in 2 years time that homenet is stuck
>> because anima hasn't met its milestones.
>> Ted:
>> Right now Homenet has a solution for the distributed configuration problem
>> with a spec and at least one WIP implementation, and is working
>> seriously on the mutual authentication problem.   There may be some
>> synergy between what Homenet is trying to do and what ANIMA is trying to
>> do.   If there is, it would be a big win to coordinate the two groups'
>> activities.   It may also be that there is no synergy, and the efforts
>> are really effectively independent.
>> Before the working group is chartered, I would like to see some clarity
>> reached about this.   If there is synergy, I'd like there to be some
>> clear agreement about how to move forward so that ANIMA can achieve its
>> goals and Homenet can achieve its goals without either creating an interop
>> problem or stalling.
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