0) Have you managed to get ipv6 working at all? If so, how? What sort
of problems did you encounter?

I originally had IPv6 service through a tunnel to SixXS, which was OK once I 
got the details sorted.

I'm using a Linksy E4200 with development software from a project at Cisco that 
includes IPv6 support.  Without any announcement to me, Comcast turned on IPv6 
service to my house and AIBFM I had a second prefix, advertised from the 
Linksys home gateway.  Interestingly, it did not disrupt my home service at all 
and I literally discovered the service was on as I was working on a project 
using IPv6 on the home network.  Devices on the network were unexpectedly 
showing a second prefix, which I checked to confirm was coming through PD to 
the Linksys home gateway.  I turned off the SixXS tunnel, and am now using just 
IPv6 service from Comcast.

1) Have you attempted to deploy a routing protocol in your home? Which
one, and why?


2) Have you attempted to get hnetd's prefix distribution system
working? (it supports linux mainline and openwrt presently)


3) Do you use ethernet? How many clients in your home are ethernet connected?

Yes.  ~7 devices; some through a homeplug extension

4) Do you use wifi? How many clients are wifi connected? Do you use
range extenders?

Yes. ~10 devices.  I have 3 access points on ethernet back to the home gateway.

5) How many devices do you think you will have connected to the
network in your home in 5 years? How many now?

30 devices in 5 years; maybe more if sensors and actuators are available.  
15-20 now, depending on how many little devices are connected for projects.

6) Do you use any other network connected technologies (homeplug,
802.14, LTE, etc). If so, which ones, and why?

homeplug, 802.15.4 (for projects; not production)

7) Do you use mdns service discovery?


8) Why are you here? (especially, if your answers to 0-2, are "no")

I'm trying to figure out how we get to a network that provides the services I 
want, avoids performance issues and runs completely autonomously.

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