> 0) Have you managed to get ipv6 working at all? If so, how? What sort
> of problems did you encounter?

Yes. I use DIR-855L at home, PPPoE. The only problem I have so far is my
ISP gives only /64 via PD.

> 1) Have you attempted to deploy a routing protocol in your home? Which
> one, and why?


> 2) Have you attempted to get hnetd's prefix distribution system
> working? (it supports linux mainline and openwrt presently)


> 3) Do you use ethernet? How many clients in your home are ethernet
> connected?

No, everything goes Wi-Fi.

> 4) Do you use wifi? How many clients are wifi connected? Do you use
> range extenders?

Yes. I have around 12 devices connected to my Wi-Fi network.
Yes, I use range extenders. Wi-Fi and HomePlug.

> 5) How many devices do you think you will have connected to the
> network in your home in 5 years? How many now?

10 more, I guess?  Should be connected home devices, such as Thermostat,
smart plug, sensors, IPCam, ...etc.

> 6) Do you use any other network connected technologies (homeplug,
> 802.14, LTE, etc). If so, which ones, and why?

Yes.  HomePlug/Wi-Fi Extender and Z-Wave.

> 7) Do you use mdns service discovery?

Yes. We use mDNS-SD for D-Link Connected Home devices.

> 8) Why are you here? (especially, if your answers to 0-2, are "no")

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