On 27.6.2015 2.49, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
"  If the considered delegated prefix is an IPv6 prefix, and whenever
   there is at least one available prefix of length 64, a prefix of
   length 64 MUST be selected unless configured otherwise by an
   administrator.  In case no prefix of length 64 would be available, a
   longer prefix MAY be selected."
Well spotted, thanks. Markus, would you be open to relaxing the MUST, and adding a guideline about which of the available /64s is suitable for carving up?
I reworded the current text as such, as I consider it sane:

   If the considered delegated prefix is an IPv6 prefix, and whenever
   there is at least one available prefix of length 64, a prefix of
   length 64 MUST be selected unless configured otherwise.  In case no
   prefix of length 64 would be available, a longer prefix MAY be
   selected even without configuration.

It does not exactly say _what_ configuration (whether provided by administrator, or some other process such as autonomic stuff); but by default, HNCP implementation MUST use /64.

Obviously, this may not be the final word if my coauthors step in or someone provides better language to describe the intent. I do not think SHOULD is good idea when describing the non-configured default which 99+% of home routers should be doing.



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