I tend to agree with Andrew's re-interpretation, but I would add a caveat, 
which is that at least what I am trying to do is provide a DNS architecture the 
presence of which will enable devices to have the information and capabilities 
they need to operate successfully on a multi-homed residential network.   The 
fact that I've brought up a couple of use cases that relate to provider attacks 
is an artifact of where the conversation went, not a central theme in the work 
I'm trying to do.

My fear in reading Michael's message was that we'd go even further down the 
rathole of over-specialization.   That is not what I am trying to work on.   If 
it's what the working group wants to work on, I may be able to help, or it may 
be work for someone else.   This has been a pretty frustrating process for me, 
because I feel like I'm trying to do something sensible, I keep having to 
submit incremental versions of the document at times when my head is in a 
different document I'm working on to support the general goal, and I keep 
getting rotten tomatoes thrown at me because the document that gets produced 
isn't done and isn't consistent.   This is understandable, but it would be nice 
if instead of throwing rotten tomatoes people would help to do the work.

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