Inline. Long post.

Juliusz Chroboczek wrote on 12/06/2019 04:03:
Actually, it's fatal, because you can't get a certificate for "boombox.local"
so you can't secure it that way.  So you always have to use the FQDN.
That sucks, of course, but the problem is completely unrelated to being
published in the global DNS -- the very same problem applies to names that
only appear in local MDNS.
No. They are directly related. See below.
I think that's our main disagreement.
For some reason, you guys seem to be assuming that the average user will
want to publish hundreds of names in the global DNS.
Hundreds?  How about two.
My son wants to publish his desktop's name so that his friend can reach his
system directly for minecraft.  I want the same.
Your son clicks "publish name" in the Minecraft server's UI, at which
point he faces the following dialog box:

   Hostname: minecraft-7ac8

The young man considers that default values are for noobz, and edits as

   Hostname: better-server-than-dads

After the name is published (which takes half a second), the Minecraft UI
displays a "share" icon, so that your son can publish the server's name
over UUCP, or whatever it is that them youngsters use nowadays for chatting.

Your turn now.  Could you please describe the UI that you envision?

-- Juliusz

It would seem your objection can be summarized as "we don't need this". Correct me if I'm wrong.

To me is like saying we don't need a new routing protocol like BABEL, because we have loads of routing protocols already. [for the record I strongly supported incorporating BABEL into Homenet, because to me it was the best choice]

Funnily enough my next door neighbor (who knows nothing about networking) could appreciate the use case.

He can currently control his central heating system from his smartphone. But he needs to pay for the rendezvous service, or has a tie in to a particular heating-system maintenance provider.

The use case would then be that an IoT device or local gateway device could use one common protocol (out of scope) to talk to the Homenet router, then the homenet router could publish and resolve names to backbone DNS infra, whilst the app developer wouldn't need the rendezvous service or NAT traversal. The rendezvous service is also a single point of attack for large scale DDOS, and also might raise privacy concerns because the manufacturer can monitor detailed use of all the devices they've sold. Mobile devices could use one single name to connect to the gateway device in a secure manner from anywhere.

So rather than being forced to use the manufacturer's thermostat, or sign a service contract from a particular maintenance provider tied to the manufacturer, he can use OpenTherm, and he can control OpenTherm from anywhere.

Yes, there are HTTP REST interfaces to accomplish this, but they ain't standard, and they ain't always easy to use. [check out comments from people who've tried to automate this for multiple alternative REST-based providers]

Yes, each individual device could also manage names directly with multiple DNS outsourcing providers, but then you potentially create an explosion of keying and signing material if you want DNS-SEC to work in any meaningful way.

Especially as DNS is becoming more of a trust anchor for other services.

How much easier is it to trust devices using TLS over a self-signed certificate anchored via TLSA records to DANE on your own DNS zone?

accept TLS from any devices with certificates with CN *.<my-zone> accept TLS from any devices with certificates with CN *.<my-friends-zone>
deny all

Then the minecraft connection with your friend can be properly secured without resorting to chat protocols and shared secrets or IP filters.

You don't need to pay a CA for any magic beans because DANE will work with self-signed certificates, even in a chain (mode 2 trust anchor). And you can be sure no-one has messed with the certificate, because you've created the certificate yourself, and you've signed the DNS zone yourself with your own private keys that haven't been shared with anyone else. Sure, you still have to bootstrap all of this.

To me it seems obvious that people should be able to distribute services (if they want to) to their own network. If they want to rely on the handful of technology giants for their security, then fair enough. But they should have a choice.


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