On 6/13/19 7:18 AM, Michael Richardson wrote:
Michael Thomas <m...@fresheez.com> wrote:
     > Thanks, it's probably pretty dated by now, especially all of the crypto
     > hackery :). The thing that I'm not sure about is whether the out-of-band
     > method for adding clients would work in a home router situation. My 
     > required the server (ie, the router) to send email to somebody. It

Or SMS. Or a push notify, which would definitely work.

All of which require authentication of some form, which the router itself doesn't have the credentials. But home routers do have a few different characteristics: proximity and local addressing. Maybe your work you pointed out might be applicable?

Of course, it could always have a bluetooth-esque "pairing" button to enroll devices that are allowed to log in, but that would require hardware.


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