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In a message dated 11/25/2002 4:03:02 PM Eastern Standard Time,

> Certainly, smaller exclusive makers may have more quality control that
> those of larger companies (eg. Alexander, Miraphone), but even so, I
> have found those valves clearly superior to common domestic
> instruments.

I am willing to be corrected, but I believe that Jim Patterson's valve maker
and Gebr. Alexanders' valve maker are one and the same.  And yes, they are
very high quality valves.  Several custom makers use this valve maker.

The best valves I've seen are Lawson's.

And as for tolerances, some times your valves can be too tight.  Some
manufacturers' valves seize up regularly because they are made too tight.
I've seen it over and over.  Tighter isn't always better.  Depends what you
want to get out of your horn.  Some pro's even have their valves lapped
looser to get more liquid slurs.

Dave Weiner
Horn mailing list

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