Dang, this discussion the past few days has been
really depressing.  Here I was, taught incorrectly for
6 years, having braces three times, and having really
big lips, I got a new teacher this summer for lessons,
and I decided to try and turn myself around.  I
completely started over, new embrochure, tounging and
everything.  I practiced my butt off, got 1st chair in
the school band and orchestra, have my first solo and
chamber performances in the next few months, and began
to harbor secret ambitions of being a professional
horn player.  Even though my majors are Public
Relations/Marketing Communications and English with a
minor in Business Management, my true goal is music. 
Then this discussion starts, and it seems that if you
aren't the perfect "mold" for horn playing, or have
really big lips even, you will probably be relegated
to second rate orchestras for the rest of your life,
no matter how hard you try.  I'd like to think that
there is hope, and that I will someday get to play
with top rate musicians doing major pieces of music. 
I love playing more that anything, I'd just like to
think I have a chance to move up in the world.  


P.S.   I suppose if the whole thing doesn't work out
in my favor, I could just start a successful business,
and use the money I make from that to buy myself an
orchestra, and appoint myself principal. :-P

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