I started on a full double. For a while I didn't know all the Bb fingerings 
on where I used the F side, or the F fingerings where I normally used the Bb 

A few years ago I decided to learn them all, and I can tell you it sure does 
help. Yes it does sound differently on the Bb side but if you have some fast 
arpeggios or runs through partials from a low F below middle C to around the C 
in the treble staff and if they occur fast enough I always employ the Bb side 
because it's cleaner. You'd be amazed at the difference the Bb side can make 
in regions you don't normally use it.

Of course this isn't to say one should neglect the F side. In fact I only 
employ the Bb side in regions I normally don't use it in times that it is more 

I mean if one plays on a double (or triple) horn, one should know every bit 
of the range and fingerings for both (or all three) horns. One should also be 
familiar with each partial, where they are, and even alternate fingerings and 
their pitch tendencies. 

set your options at http://music.memphis.edu/mailman/options/horn/archive%40jab.org

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