In a message dated 03/05/2004 19:17:21 GMT Daylight Time,  

My new  teacher said that it is not neccesary to pull
> out valve slides for new  horn at all(only the main
> tuning slide should be adjusted). He said  that i
> should adapt myself to horn, not the horn for  myself..

That  advice is so bad that you should seek another  teacher. 

If that really is the advice that has been given then I would agree,  but I 
am always careful to be sure that the teacher has been correctly quoted -  If I 
had said half the things claimed of me by pupils I would deserve to be  
flogged through the streets of Manchester with a saxophone round my neck (For  
example - "Mr Yates says that if I play a trumpet all my teeth will fall  out".)
All the best,
"žaes  ofereode - žisses swa  maeg"

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