Hello Steve,
I use to put the slides all fully back in because otherwise, according to my experience, after some time this operation tends to become more difficult; and I want to be free to adjust them at will.

Yes I found that different players may tune the same horn differently. This is certainly true for me and the owner of a horn I'm going to buy soon. He is a pro, but I'm careful with regard to intonation and I'm having frequent lessons with a top level hornist, also playing along with him; so I think I know what I'm saying.

By the way, the above said owner of my next horn is the second hornist of the main pro orchestra here in Florence, and he even tunes his horn slightly differently according to which of the two principals he is going to play with.


Steve Freides wrote:
1.  When I put my horn away in its case, should I leave the slides adjusted
or slide them all fully back in?  I recall someone saying I shouldn't leave
them where I play them ...

2.  Is tuning a particular horn going to be different for people, e.g., one
of my horns was purchased from my teacher who carefully marked the 'right'
position for each tuning and slide, 9 in total on this double horn.  This is
rather an academic question for me at this point - I will leave them as my
teacher has set them because I'm a beginner with perfect pitch and I lip all
my notes into some sort of tune no matter where the slides are - but I am
curious to know, e.g., if two people who play the same horn, or even one
player using two different mouthpieces, might adjust any of the slides
differently (assuming the same environment, temperature, etc., of course).
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