What about using mouthpiece buzzing in the practice room?  I had a
teacher once that wanted me to buzz pop goes the weasel all the time.
I did not get the point of it, and right now I do almost no buzzing in
the practice room.  Can you mouthpiece buzz without a piano?  When and
where and how in a practice session is this productive?

On 8/5/07, Jonathan West <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 05/08/07, Reba McLaurin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Thanks for all of the good information,  How can I get a copy of
> > orchestral musicians CD Rom.  What is that?
> Google is your friend. Type that phrase into Google, the first hit is the
> home page for the product
> http://www.orchmusiclibrary.com/
> > Also, sightreading is
> > something that I generally ignore.  What is the best way to practice
> > that?
> This come up every so often on the list. You can find my description of how
> to practice sightreading here:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/horn@music.memphis.edu/msg04213.html
> > Shouldn't I be doing long tones, too?
> Of course. They should be part of your warmup.
> >
> > I like to do long tones on all of the notes on the instrument for one
> > minute every day.  Is this a waste of time?  One of my teacher's
> > teachers did that and he was a great player.
> >
> There are two possible purposes to long-note practice. One is to use a
> modest amount of it as part of your warmup. A one-octave scale ascending and
> descending with crescendo to the middle of the note end diminuendo to the
> end is sufficient for that part of a warmup in my opinion.
> If you have problems maintaining stability of pitch and tone over longer
> notes, then more long note practice over a wider range is probably a good
> idea. Consciously think of maintaining breath support from the diaphragm
> when you do so, and concentrate on *not* allowing the throat to constrict,
> if that happens to be one of your problems.
> > Another problem that I always run in to is time management in the
> > practice room.  I really only have two or three hours a day to
> > practice, because I work two other jobs plus students, etc.  Sometimes
> > I don't even have that much time.  My list of things to do in the
> > practice room seems to always come out to what seems to be about four
> > or five hours of work.  Any ideas on this?
> If you are practicing intelligently and intensively, you should be pretty
> much exhaused by 3 hours practice in a day. You certainly shouldn't need to
> do any more than that. Therefore, I suspect you are in fact wasting much of
> your time in the practice room.
> The essence of effective practice is that you *practice getting things
> right*. If you get something wrong, it is almost certainly because you have
> played it too fast to get it right. Most people, when they even notice they
> have got it wrong, repeat the whole piece or long passage again, and almost
> certainly make the same mistake again. What they are doing is practicing
> getting it wrong. And the more they practice getting it wrong, the better
> they become at getting it wrong.
> I don't know whether you fall into this category, but based on your
> descriptions, I suspect that you may. If I am doing you an injustice I
> apologise. But for the benefit of anybody else who recogises themselves in
> the description above, I go on to say how you *should* practice a difficult
> passage or etude.
> First of all, you have to decide that perfection is your aim, and you are
> not going to be satisfied with less. Saying to yourself "it was nearly
> right, and I'm sure it will be OK next time" is the greatest enemy of
> progress.
> Second, when you notice a mistake, STOP, immediately, before you have a
> chance to forget what the mistake was or where. It might be a piece of
> awkward fingering, it might be a short passage with a high note that you
> mispitched, it might even be a slur that wasn't sufficiently clean. Go back
> a bar or so, and practice just the fragment that contained the error. If the
> error is repeated, go about 30% slower and do it again. Keep slowing down
> until you find a speed at which the error goes away.
> Then, having found a speed that is OK, repeat several times at that speed.
> If you find yourself still making regular errors, slow down even further,
> until you find a speed at which you can play the fragment at least 3 times
> in a row (and preferably 6 times) with no error at all. Resist the
> temptation to go any faster in later repetitions. What you are doing is
> practicing getting it right, and the only way you can practice getting it
> right is to practice at a speed at which you know you actually can get it
> right.
> Once you have managed 6 error-free repetitions, try the fragment just a
> little faster, 10% or so. If all is well, repeat 3 times at that speed, and
> then go a bit faster still. If you make a mistake, immediately drop the
> speed by 30% and do the 6 repetitions at the slower speed.
> Gradually, you can get the speed back up to concert speed. Having done that,
> go back a few bars and put the fragment back into context. Hopefully it
> should now be fine. Carry on until you come to the next difficult bit, and
> repeat the process.
> This practice technique is *very hard work* if done properly, and is very
> tiring, but there is no more efficient use of practice time. This is because
> of two things.
> 1. You spend most of your time practicing the difficult bits, which after
> all, are the bits that need the practice!
> 2. You spend most of your time practicing playing those difficult bits right
> (albeit slowly to start with. Practice doesn't make perfect, practice makes
> permanent, and you want to cause your practice to get you to permanently
> play passages correctly. Repeatedly playing correctly instills those habits
> and memories.
> Hope this helps!
> Regards
> Jonathan West
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