Hello Team,

Today we had the first meeting of the HOT Activation Working Group on the IRC 
channel.  The meeting lasted an hour. Pierre Beland, Fran Boon, Andrew Buck, 
Robert Banick, Harry Wood, and I participated.

The stated objective of the working group is to develop a strategy and tactics 
for optimally allocating HOT's resources in response to humanitarian crisis. We 
noted that humanitarian crises range quite widely in severity and in level of 
international response, and that HOT's response should be commensurate with the 
degree to which our services will be used by responders on the ground.

The substance of the discussion today revolved around identifying HOT's 
possible responses to crisis (including documenting data sources, acquiring 
imagery, setting up volunteer tasking services, and mobilizing volunteers), and 
working backwards to identify the triggers for those activities.

We also discussed at length the distinction between "activation", and simply 
responding to requests made by partner organizations. We agreed (I believe) 
that prompt and reliable response to partner inquiries should be a priority for 
HOT and should be taken up as a subject for discussion and recommendation by 
the working group.

I think that the working group members agreed to start documenting some of 
these ideas on the OSM wiki for further discussion. We also agreed after 
talking for an hour to pick up the discussion again one week from today, at 
14:00 UTC on Thu 22 Mar 2012.

The IRC log for today's meeting is here:


Hope to see those of you who are interested in the subject on #hot next 
Thursday! I'll send out a reminder a couple days ahead of time. Cheers!


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