Strongly second Kate's view. Deployment to a disaster zone is very complicated 
and risky endeavor. 
We'd do best with our resources to support organizations like MapAction, UN 
agencies, and NGOs, so that they can work with OSM and relate with HOT in an 
efficient manner.
Probably the best way to help that happen is by HOTties training and embedding 
with MapAction. Harry Wood has attended a weekend training, previously, and I 
know they are very open to more.
* Mikel Maron * +14152835207 @mikel s:mikelmaron

> From: Kate Chapman <>
>To: Fran Boon <> 
>Cc: Séverin MENARD <>; 
>Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 8:00 PM
>Subject: Re: [HOT] 1st Activation Working Group meeting report
>I personally think we should first focus on remote deployment.  If you
>look at the way MapAction runs for example there is quite a bit of
>infrastructure in place to support those deploying to the ground.  At
>the moment I think we can be most effective by supporting responders
>and then providing training during the recover period.  Or in the best
>cases training and organization around preparedness.
>There have been discussions with potential partners before about
>potential deployments, but I think HOT itself as an organization needs
>some time before that can be a reality. Just the potentials of
>insurance, making sure people are properly vaccinated and things like
>that would keep me up at night.
>Additionally there just aren't that many people in HOT with the right
>type of field experience right now.  Beyond activation procedures
>there is a lot of training methodologies that would need to be worked
>out first.  Though continuing with internship programs and workshops
>is a good start.
>I'd also be interested to compare position descriptions for
>preparedness to those for response.  They might not be exactly the
>On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 9:14 PM, Fran Boon <> wrote:
>> On 16 March 2012 13:36, Séverin MENARD <> wrote:
>>> Soory I missed this chat but will be present to the next one.
>>> Remote response apart, what should be our potential ground deployment ?  I
>>> think a ground team who would activate and train quickly the local
>>> communities, could drive the HOT remote support, provide imagery feedbacks
>>> (precise GPS coordinates, interpretation, etc.) or even imagery itself taken
>>> by a drone (some tests are ongoing in Haiti) would make sense. IMHO HOT's
>>> kind of uniqueness is to be able to provide coordinated ground and remote
>>> response.
>> Hi Severin,
>> What you outline sounds great, however it requires an essential
>> element which remote support doesn't: $
>> A remote support can be done using relatively little volunteer time to
>> set up & then it's up to the community how much they're able to engage
>> in the actual work - as HOT we cannot be responsible for that - we
>> just set up the infrastructure and make the call (being careful not to
>> abuse this so we don't get volunteer fatigue).
>> Ground support would either require HOT to have it's own funds or else
>> to have the requesting Organisation sponsor it (even if the time was
>> all donated).
>> I agree that we should have a clause in about this and this can start
>> by saying 'As HOT has no funds of it's own, a ground support request
>> would require the requesting organisation to find funds for this'
>> What else do we need to define around this?
>> * Role descriptions (I know Kate has done this)
>> * Being sure we don't send people out uninsured?
>> * Being sure that people we send out are suitably qualified?
>> * Being sure that people we send out are suitably equipped? (which
>> might not require very much)
>> Anything else?
>> F
>>> Severin
>>> On Fri, Mar 16, 2012 at 8:00 AM, <> wrote:
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>>>> Today's Topics:
>>>>   1. 1st Activation Working Group meeting report (Schuyler Erle)
>>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Message: 1
>>>> Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2012 00:22:42 +0530
>>>> From: Schuyler Erle <>
>>>> To:
>>>> Subject: [HOT] 1st Activation Working Group meeting report
>>>> Message-ID: <>
>>>> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
>>>> Hello Team,
>>>> Today we had the first meeting of the HOT Activation Working Group on the
>>>> IRC channel.  The meeting lasted an hour. Pierre Beland, Fran Boon, Andrew
>>>> Buck, Robert Banick, Harry Wood, and I participated.
>>>> The stated objective of the working group is to develop a strategy and
>>>> tactics for optimally allocating HOT's resources in response to 
>>>> humanitarian
>>>> crisis. We noted that humanitarian crises range quite widely in severity 
>>>> and
>>>> in level of international response, and that HOT's response should be
>>>> commensurate with the degree to which our services will be used by
>>>> responders on the ground.
>>>> The substance of the discussion today revolved around identifying HOT's
>>>> possible responses to crisis (including documenting data sources, acquiring
>>>> imagery, setting up volunteer tasking services, and mobilizing volunteers),
>>>> and working backwards to identify the triggers for those activities.
>>>> We also discussed at length the distinction between "activation", and
>>>> simply responding to requests made by partner organizations. We agreed (I
>>>> believe) that prompt and reliable response to partner inquiries should be a
>>>> priority for HOT and should be taken up as a subject for discussion and
>>>> recommendation by the working group.
>>>> I think that the working group members agreed to start documenting some of
>>>> these ideas on the OSM wiki for further discussion. We also agreed after
>>>> talking for an hour to pick up the discussion again one week from today, at
>>>> 14:00 UTC on Thu 22 Mar 2012.
>>>> The IRC log for today's meeting is here:
>>>> Hope to see those of you who are interested in the subject on #hot next
>>>> Thursday! I'll send out a reminder a couple days ahead of time. Cheers!
>>>> SDE
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>>>> End of HOT Digest, Vol 25, Issue 13
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