Hi all!

A little message straight out of Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of
Congo. I arrived yesterday to support the MSF team (Docters Without
Borders) in their awsome OpenStreetMap mapping week!

And for this we can really use the remote support of the rest of the HOT
OpenStreetMap world! Yes, by this I also mean the places where the
temperature is a little bit less than here ;-)

A few weeks ago we had a great mapping party in Berlin, and now almost the
whole roadnetwork of Lubumbashi is mapped. By going on the field today with
the biggest fieldpapers you can image, we however need sometimes more
detailed information!

For this purpose the creation of two TM is in preparation. One of a part of
the city which is really croweded, with a lot of people, with small
streets, which are not yet mapped as detailled as possible on
OpenStreetMap. So for this taks it will be important to really map in
detail. The buildings, the bigger streets, the smaller alleys ...
The other TM will be a zone where we will go tomorrow  (This means in 8
hours!) with some MSF staff, but more important about 10 geography students
of the local university.  We now have field papers of what is existing now,
what is the road network. It would however be good to have a liltle more
info on this neighbourhood. In that way we well be able to orient us soo
much better. Big buildings, or other places you think this might be a
hospital, or a school... in that way we even can use it already tomorrow!

Curious to see what we will see here tomorrow in the morning! :-)

And for sure I will come back to you later, because this week in Lubumbashi
just started!

All the best and mappy night!

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