And the first TM is created!

Small suggestion, start mapping in the north, we will need these the

2014-03-19 23:23 GMT+01:00 Jorieke Vyncke <>:

> Hi all!
> A little message straight out of Lubumbashi, in the Democratic Republic of
> Congo. I arrived yesterday to support the MSF team (Docters Without
> Borders) in their awsome OpenStreetMap mapping week!
> And for this we can really use the remote support of the rest of the HOT
> OpenStreetMap world! Yes, by this I also mean the places where the
> temperature is a little bit less than here ;-)
> A few weeks ago we had a great mapping party in Berlin, and now almost the
> whole roadnetwork of Lubumbashi is mapped. By going on the field today with
> the biggest fieldpapers you can image, we however need sometimes more
> detailed information!
> For this purpose the creation of two TM is in preparation. One of a part
> of the city which is really croweded, with a lot of people, with small
> streets, which are not yet mapped as detailled as possible on
> OpenStreetMap. So for this taks it will be important to really map in
> detail. The buildings, the bigger streets, the smaller alleys ...
> The other TM will be a zone where we will go tomorrow  (This means in 8
> hours!) with some MSF staff, but more important about 10 geography students
> of the local university.  We now have field papers of what is existing now,
> what is the road network. It would however be good to have a liltle more
> info on this neighbourhood. In that way we well be able to orient us soo
> much better. Big buildings, or other places you think this might be a
> hospital, or a school... in that way we even can use it already tomorrow!
> Curious to see what we will see here tomorrow in the morning! :-)
> And for sure I will come back to you later, because this week in
> Lubumbashi just started!
> All the best and mappy night!
> Jorieke
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