Hi Eric,

I can't speak to DG's intent in using TomNod, though I assume there's a
visibility component. But to echo what Daniel said, the TomNod system has a
lower barrier to entry for new participants. This isn't to say that OSM
can't be made accessible - it would be fairly straightforward to rebuild
TomNod using OSM notes, for instance.

But DG has their system in place and they're being very open about the data
produced, so it seems like it would behoove us to engage with another info


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015, 5:16 AM Daniel O'Connor <daniel.ocon...@gmail.com>

> > I don't really understand what TomNod does
> It's a giant slippy map loading newer imagery and asking for simple
> tagging. As you scroll it marks tiles as reviewed.
> High overlap with the purpose of the tasking manager in building tracing
> then updating those with appropriate damage tags; ditto road blocks etc;
> but because it has a much simpler task it seems to be easier to use.
> Blocked roads certainly would be worthwhile adding in to a variety of
> routing solutions - OSM for the roads, TomNod for the obstacles kind of
> thing. Ditto updating major buildings in OSM that are heavily
> damaged/destroyed.
> If the resulting data is licensed CC 3.0; then its
> not necessarily proprietary in this instance.
> On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 1:35 PM, Eric Gundersen <e...@mapbox.com> wrote:
>> Bill can you share more on this:
>> > as we move into damage assessment we're probably going to be a step
>> behind the TomNod participants;
>> I don't really understand what TomNod does or why people contribute to a
>> proprietary platforms like TomNod. Why do think OSM needs a platform like
>> TomNod and what data do they bring to the table? Again, just trying to
>> understand the value they bring -- the teams that started TomNod it is
>> wicked cool and DIgitalGlobe, who bought TomNod, is a huge OSM lover - so
>> lots of love.
>> -sent from the mobile-
>> On Apr 28, 2015, at 8:56 PM, William Morris <wboyk...@geosprocket.com>
>> wrote:
>> Kevin Bullock of DigitalGlobe has graciously shared the results of the
>> TomNod effort so far, licensed CC 3.0 (with a plan to specifically permit
>> OSM use):
>> - map:
>> https://geosprocket.cartodb.com/viz/bb5ed630-ee1e-11e4-8dca-0e018d66dc29/embed_map
>> - data: http://mapperdev.tomnod.com/results/
>> It seems like there might be an opportunity in future activations (or
>> now) to use this data for:
>> 1.) Planning and prioritization - as we move into damage assessment we're
>> probably going to be a step behind the TomNod participants; we should be
>> able to configure tasks that focus on areas with a high concentration of
>> damage reports and high levels of agreement. (I can't claim origination of
>> this idea: https://twitter.com/iheartcrowds/status/593170666662146048)
>> 2.) Direct import - this is more dangerous, but there's an opportunity to
>> directly link TomNod contributions to OSM. High-agreement damaged buildings
>> seems like a possible starting place.
>> There are many technical considerations to be ironed out, including the
>> realtime nature of the TomNod data. It could benefit from a streaming API
>> of some sort, as well as some form of integration in the task manager. In
>> the meantime there's this somewhat-awkward url for overlays:
>> https://cartocdn-ashbu.global.ssl.fastly.net/geosprocket/api/v1/map/9ec70f30baf2a63e797ae341c8965733:1430273972053.4001/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?map_key=dca6cb71991448200cc2ade26ff013da486a78ca&cache_policy=persist
>> Hopefully this is an opportunity to minimize effort duplication and
>> leverage another motivated group of contributors.
>> -Bill Morris
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