Thanks Kevin. I just updated the map, and I have to say the clusters of
"verified" damage seem actionable from a task planning standpoint:
I look forward to seeing your post about this.

This data could be very valuable to incorporate. Pierre, is there a tech
working group that focuses on the task manager?


On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 8:08 PM Pierre Béland <> wrote:

> Thanks Kevin,
> will look at this validation data.
> Pierre
>  ------------------------------
>  *De :* Kevin Bullock <>
> *À :* 'William Morris' <>; Pierre Béland <
>>; "" <>
> *Envoyé le :* Mercredi 29 avril 2015 17h24
> *Objet :* RE: [HOT] TomNod integration for the next time around
>  Pierre, Bill, I can confirm the imagery source is the same. Meaning, the
> imagery we licensed openly was used both by HOT (via Mapbox) and on the
> Tomnod platform. I am actually putting a blog post together on this topic,
> and this thread has been **very insightful**. Barrier of entry is indeed
> one of the huge differentiators! As an example, my kids can participate on
> Tomnod, but need another decade or so before they can contribute to OSM J.
> As such, we are seeing (I believe) a higher volume of contributors via
> Tomnod: over 25,000 unique contributors so far.
> So far, here is what the Tomnod team has validated, AND, here is a link to
> the GeoJSON:
> 488 Damaged Buildings Verified, 36 Damaged Roads Verified
> Download the Validated geojson:
> Sincerely, Kevin
> *From:* William Morris [
> <>]
> *Sent:* Wednesday, April 29, 2015 2:26 PM
> *To:* Pierre Béland;
> *Subject:* Re: [HOT] TomNod integration for the next time around
>  Hi Pierre,
>  I think we're already using the same imagery; it's entirely from
> DigitalGlobe, and the Mapbox crew processed that and made it available to
> us within hours of it being released (Camilla or Charlie - correct me if
> I'm wrong). The issue is that participants (~5,000 people this time) in
> DigitalGlobe's Tomnod project are deriving basic damage assessment data
> from the same imagery, and that information isn't making it to OSM.
> The two ideas I outlined below are just sketches for how we could make use
> of that derived data to save time and effort, though there are surely many
> more possibilities.
>  -Bill
>  On Wed, Apr 29, 2015 at 3:36 PM Pierre Béland <> wrote:
>    Sorry after 5 non stop days dont have time to digest everything.
>  We surely have to coordinate with others and not repeat what they have
> done. This imagery would be useful for OSM response to have general
> evaluations of villages + roads. We can also provide access to TMS images
> to hums and Nepal gov.
>  Monitoring is uneasy with all the imagery requests, imagery available
> from various sources.
>  It would help that the image monitoring uMap be completed with all the
> tasks and available imageries.
>  Do we have easy access to these imagery used for evaluation. Do we have
> tms link to easily use. Could the info be added to the uMap?
>   regard
>   *Pierre *
>    ------------------------------
>  *De :* William Morris <>
> *À :* "" <>;
> *Envoyé le :* Mercredi 29 avril 2015 13h05
> *Objet :* Re: [HOT] TomNod integration for the next time around
>    My bad - Robert pointed out that I pasted the wrong source data link
> in there (it was for TomNod Haiyan). Here's the Nepal data:
>  -Bill
>  On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 11:56 PM William Morris <>
> wrote:
>  Kevin Bullock of DigitalGlobe has graciously shared the results of the
> TomNod effort so far, licensed CC 3.0 (with a plan to specifically permit
> OSM use):
>  - map:
>  - data:
>  It seems like there might be an opportunity in future activations (or
> now) to use this data for:
>  1.) Planning and prioritization - as we move into damage assessment
> we're probably going to be a step behind the TomNod participants; we should
> be able to configure tasks that focus on areas with a high concentration of
> damage reports and high levels of agreement. (I can't claim origination of
> this idea:
>   2.) Direct import - this is more dangerous, but there's an opportunity
> to directly link TomNod contributions to OSM. High-agreement damaged
> buildings seems like a possible starting place.
>  There are many technical considerations to be ironed out, including the
> realtime nature of the TomNod data. It could benefit from a streaming API
> of some sort, as well as some form of integration in the task manager. In
> the meantime there's this somewhat-awkward url for overlays:
>  Hopefully this is an opportunity to minimize effort duplication and
> leverage another motivated group of contributors.
>  -Bill Morris
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