Sorry after 5 non stop days dont have time to digest everything.
We surely have to coordinate with others and not repeat what they have done. 
This imagery would be useful for OSM response to have general evaluations of 
villages + roads. We can also provide access to TMS images to hums and Nepal 
 Monitoring is uneasy with all the imagery requests, imagery available from 
various sources.
It would help that the image monitoring uMap be completed with all the tasks 
and available 

Do we have easy access to these imagery used for evaluation. Do we have tms 
link to easily use. Could the info be added to the uMap?

      De : William Morris <>
 À : "" <>; 
 Envoyé le : Mercredi 29 avril 2015 13h05
 Objet : Re: [HOT] TomNod integration for the next time around

My bad - Robert pointed out that I pasted the wrong source data link in there 
(it was for TomNod Haiyan). Here's the Nepal data:

On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 11:56 PM William Morris <> 

Kevin Bullock of DigitalGlobe has graciously shared the results of the TomNod 
effort so far, licensed CC 3.0 (with a plan to specifically permit OSM use): - 
 - data:

It seems like there might be an opportunity in future activations (or now) to 
use this data for: 
1.) Planning and prioritization - as we move into damage assessment we're 
probably going to be a step behind the TomNod participants; we should be able 
to configure tasks that focus on areas with a high concentration of damage 
reports and high levels of agreement. (I can't claim origination of this idea: Direct import - 
this is more dangerous, but there's an opportunity to directly link TomNod 
contributions to OSM. High-agreement damaged buildings seems like a possible 
starting place.
There are many technical considerations to be ironed out, including the 
realtime nature of the TomNod data. It could benefit from a streaming API of 
some sort, as well as some form of integration in the task manager. In the 
meantime there's this somewhat-awkward url for overlays:{zoom}/{x}/{y}.png?map_key=dca6cb71991448200cc2ade26ff013da486a78ca&cache_policy=persist

Hopefully this is an opportunity to minimize effort duplication and leverage 
another motivated group of contributors.
-Bill Morris

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