Hello All,

I am Megha Shrestha from Kathmandu Living Labs. We have a local mapping
project with HOT, we are going to conduct in Thimpu, Bhutan. The project
involves training to youth and as well as government officials from GIS
department of Thimpu city. They have requested us to import existing
dataset into OSM. According to OSM import guideline one of the requirement
is to contact a local OSM community. The problem here is that there is no
existing OSM community in Bhutan but rather a group of GIS professional.
One of the goals of this project is to create a sustainable OSM community
in Bhutan who can take the work further independently. I would like to ask
for comments about this import before proceeding to the imports mailing
list" or equivalent, because we know there isn't a Bhutan OSM local
community yet, and we just need (if possible) to gather input before
proceeding to the imports mailing list.

The wiki link to the Thimpu Throne dataset import is here:


Megha Shrestha
Geomatics Engineer
Kathmandu Living Labs
HOT mailing list

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