The traditional way is annouce a gathering for coffee then whichever two or
three gather make the decision or sometimes its done by an exchange of
emails in a forum.  In your case I think you are the local community.

Cheerio John

On 18 June 2016 at 00:07, Megha Shrestha <> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I am Megha Shrestha from Kathmandu Living Labs. We have a local mapping
> project with HOT, we are going to conduct in Thimpu, Bhutan. The project
> involves training to youth and as well as government officials from GIS
> department of Thimpu city. They have requested us to import existing
> dataset into OSM. According to OSM import guideline one of the requirement
> is to contact a local OSM community. The problem here is that there is no
> existing OSM community in Bhutan but rather a group of GIS professional.
> One of the goals of this project is to create a sustainable OSM community
> in Bhutan who can take the work further independently. I would like to
> ask for comments about this import before proceeding to the imports mailing
> list" or equivalent, because we know there isn't a Bhutan OSM local
> community yet, and we just need (if possible) to gather input before
> proceeding to the imports mailing list.
> The wiki link to the Thimpu Throne dataset import is here:
> Thanks,
> Megha Shrestha
> Geomatics Engineer
> Kathmandu Living Labs
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